Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday February 3rd 2021 via Zoom online meeting, after the meeting of the Planning Committee.
Join via the Internet by going to: Meeting link
Meeting ID: 880 3483 6909 and Password: 415207
Alternatively join by telephone by dialing 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, February 5th 2020
3. Risk Assessments and Assets Survey reports for 2021/22
4. Elford Heath update.
5. To consider the arboricultural report for the Eyeswells Open Space, associated resident comments, and propose a course of action for any remedial works.
6. To consider any quotations received for the siding off works for pavements within the Parish.
7. To consider the tenders received for renewal of the grounds maintenance contracts and make recommendations for appointment.
8. To discuss future plans for delivery of the Eccleshall Festival
9. To consider the future purchase of remembrance silhouettes for display in November.
10. To discuss the idea and feasibility to provide outdoor gym equipment.
11. Correspondence:-
- Request for additional bins – two dog bins at Bishops Court – Bishops Court end and the other at Market Fields end, and a larger floor bin on Castle St. to replace small pole mounted bin.
12.Items for next meeting
13.Date of Next Meeting
S.J. Worden, Clerk to the Council – 28/01/2021
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021 online via Zoom videoconferencing at 7.40pm.
1). Present were:-
Councillor L. Dale (Chair) Councillor E. Amos
Councillor R. Langford Councillor P. Jones
Councillor G. Dale Councillor P. Stenning
Councillor R. Taylor Councillor C. Wilkins
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
Observing – Cllr. Perren, Cllr. Kean.
Apologies:- No apologies to receive.
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday February 5th, 2020:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council were agreed and will be signed at the earliest opportunity.
3). Risk Assessments and Assets Survey reports for 2021/22:-
The allocations for the assets survey were reviewed.
Cllr. Kean agreed to take on the annual inspection of the Pump site at Offley Hay.
Cllr. Perren agreed to take on the annual inspection of Bishops Court and the bench on Green Lane.
All other allocations remained the same. The Clerk will circulate an updated assets sheet for information.
4). Elford Heath update:
Staffordshire Wildlife Trust has been in contact and will be undertaking a PSYM assessment of ecological quality on the pool between June and August. The survey assesses plant and invertebrate life to produce a score that can be compared to ponds nationally.
5). To consider the arboricultural report for the Eyeswells Open Space, associated resident comments, and propose a course of action for any remedial works.
Members expressed concern regarding the collection of rubbish under a laurel bush in the area, which appears to be a gathering point. Councillors were sympathetic of the need for young people to have spaces to congregate, but the accumulation of rubbish was an issue. Some rubbish has been cleared by Streetscene and Cllr. Perren. It was agreed to monitor the area over the next month, but if it is an ongoing problem, the Council will need to look at whether cutting back the bush would be beneficial.
The arboricultural report was considered and members were in favour of the suggested remedial works. It was resolved to request a site visit with Mr. Keyzor, and following this, obtain 3 quotes for the work to be presented to the Council for consideration.
6). To consider any quotations received for the siding off works for pavements within the Parish:-
The quotations received were for clearance work to the following pavements:
1) Newport Road (A519) from Cross Butts to the junction with Wootton Lane. The pavement is located on the Cross Butts and Johnson Hall Nursery side of the road.
2) Castle Street to Swynnerton Road Junction – from the bus shelter on the dentist/Smithy pub side of the road, up to where it ends opposite the junction.
3) Swynnerton Road to Sturbridge crossroads – start of Swynnerton Road to the junction.
4) Swynnerton Road HMP car park to Parish Boundary – from car park up to boundary at Cold Meece, near the war memorial.
3 quotations were received, and the Committee resolved to recommend that Stafford Borough Council was awarded the work, at a cost of £4094 plus VAT.
It was noted that TGM have already been approved to undertake works to the Stafford Road and Stone Road, which were pending completion.
The Clerk will also obtain a quotation to clear the pavement from the washpits to Kerry Lane, for consideration at the Parish Council meeting on the 17th February.
7). To consider the tenders received for renewal of the grounds maintenance contracts and make recommendations for appointment.:-
Spreadsheets were circulated showing the quotations received from 4 contractors. The committee resolved to recommend allocation of works as follows:-
Jacksons of Eccleshall:
- Elford Heath, verge near Kerry Lane – x 10
- Offley Hay Village Hall – x 8
- Rose Bay Willow Herb (cutting back) – x 3
Trent Grounds Maintenance:
- Kerry Lane triangle (bench site) x 10
- Washpits, Eyeswells footpath mowing, Croxton Play area, Bishops Court – fortnightly
- Picnic Site, Pump Site, Eyeswells strimming/hedge, 2 verges opposite Croxton play area – monthly
- Eyeswells and Bishops Court Hedge – annual cuts
- Footpath 13, Hartlands Rd alley – x 3
- Church St and Castle St. Verges – x 4
8). To discuss future plans for delivery of the Eccleshall Festival:-
At present, the biennial Eccleshall Festival is not delivered under the remit of the Parish Council. At present, the independent festival committee consists of 5 Parish Councillors, who are responsible for the organisation and delivery of the event. The Parish Council pay for the insurance, but the event is otherwise self- funded by the stall hire charges and other donations.
The festival was postponed last year, and at present it is unclear whether it will go ahead in 2021. It was noted that there would need to be a working group or equivalent in order to look at the details and obtain an understanding of what would be involved for the Parish Council in terms of resource in order to take it on.
It was resolved to recommend in principle that the Parish Council take on the Eccleshall Festival from 2022, subject to formation of a group to consider requirements, and a suitable plan to move forward.
9). To consider the future purchase of remembrance silhouettes for display in November:-
Royal British Legion produce an unknown Tommy silhouette, which is 1.47m high and made of aluminium composite. The cost per silhouette is £125.00 and there are 3 options for the text.
It was resolved to recommend that 4 silhouettes were purchased for town centre locations, for erection around the remembrance dates. They can be stored in the Community Centre.
The Clerk will ask Croxton and Slindon councillors if they wish additional silhouettes to be purchased for display within their wards.
10). To discuss the idea and feasibility to provide outdoor gym equipment:-
Members discussed the concept of outdoor gym provision and noted that there are many good examples of this equipment in other areas. Potential locations will need to be considered as well as any additional health and safety needs for this type of equipment. It was resolved that the Health and Wellbeing working group would consider the initial idea in more detail and feed back to the committee in due course.
11). Correspondence:-
- To Request for additional bins – two dog bins at Bishops Court – Bishops Court end and the other at Market Fields end, and a larger floor bin on Castle St. to replace small pole mounted bin. It was noted that usage will be lower at present but is expected to increase as the weather improves. It was resolved for the Clerk to contact SBC regarding the Castle Street bin. It was noted that most floor bins within the town centre are the blue painted bins in order to maintain an attractive street view. The bins on Bishops Court will also be monitored.
12). Items for next meeting:-
Items requested included:
Discussion on the refurbishment of the BT phone boxes.
It was also noted that the Eagle street art has not been a recent agenda item. The Clerk noted that although it has not been on the main Parish Council agenda, discussions are ongoing and regular correspondence has been sent to Bovis to request a decision on the location.
Any other items for the next meeting can be forwarded to the Clerk.
13). Date of next meeting:- to be confirmed.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm.