Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday 6th April 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022
3. To note receipt of the circulated assets inspection sheet for 2022/23 for completion.
- To approve retreating/painting of the bus shelters on Castle Street.
4. To consider an alternative location on Elford Heath for the siting of the memorial Bench (previously agreed for the top of Kerry Lane).
5. To consider and approve the updated cost for traffic management at Elford for painting of the Cheshire Railings.
6. To consider additional costs for replacement glass frames for the Eyeswells BT box
7. To receive an update on the outdoor gym equipment project and to consider and approve Wicksteed as the annual inspection contractor.
8. To provide any updates on pavement clearance activities within the parish.
9. To provide an update on the Allotments tree planting and to approve the tree to be included as part of the Queen’s Green canopy – https://queensgreencanopy.org/
10. To consider resident request to cut back encroaching tree on the Jubilee Playing Field and advice received from tree surgeon.
11. To review the suggested areas for the Ecclian/Parish tidying project and compile a list of areas, activity and timescales.
12. To consider the current bimonthly schedule for the large refuse vehicle and if the visit numbers should be increased to monthly visits from 2023.
13. To consider and approve the Bloom watering tender.
14. Correspondence:-
- Resident concerns regarding overgrown hedge on Stafford St/Newport Road junction reducing driver visibility.
- Resident request for an alternative location to re-site a memorial bench that used to be in front of the Star Café.
- To note the request to temporarily remove the pump site bench for upcoming tree works (date to be advised).
15. Items for next meeting
16. Date of Next Meeting – June 8th, 2022, following the planning meeting.
S.J. Worden
Clerk to the Council – 31/3/2022
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, 6 April 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre, following the Planning Committee Meeting, at 7.40pm.
1). Present were:-
Councillor L. Dale (Chair) Councillor. C. Wilkins
Councillor R. Langford Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor G. Dale Councillor A. Reid
Councillor D. Hill
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies:- Apologies were received from Councillors Peter Jones, Joy Jones, Perren and Amos.
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday February 2nd 2022:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council, were agreed and signed.
3). To note receipt of the circulated assets inspection sheet for 20/23 for completion :-
Councillors were advised that this year’s inspections can now be completed and submitted to the Clerk. Cllr. A. Reid agreed to monitor the outdoor gym at Hartlands Road.
It was agreed to approve re-treating/painting of both bus shelters on Castle Street at a cost of £220.
4). To consider and approve an alternative location on Elford heath for the siting of the memorial bench (previously agreed for the top of Kerry Lane).
As the location is adjacent to a highway and on County council land, only County approved contractors can be used to install the bench, which has greatly increased the costs (a quote of £1,800 was obtained which included a minimum visit charge). This is because the contractors have to be registered and the works would then include necessary licences to dig and the requirement to undertake land searches to establish whether there are any utility pipes underneath the surface that would be in the way of the excavations for the bench foundations. This was fed back to the individual who wished to site the bench, and it was agreed as an alternative to put the bench on Elford Heath. It was resolved to recommend this course of action. Cllr. L. Dale has met with the person involved and a suitable location has been identified.
A concern was raised regarding the restrictions imposed by the County Highways on the use of approved contractors, resulting in the original location being unfeasible due to the costs. It was noted that the cost was a quotation obtained from a contractor rather than the County, who have no control over the contractor quotes. It was resolved to recommend writing to Highways to express the disappointment of the Council in the lack of support provided for what should have been a straightforward proposal.
5). To consider and approve the updated cost for traffic management at Elford for the painting of the Cheshire railings:-
It was resolved to recommend acceptance of the quotation from RH Traffic Management for 3 way traffic lights for the painting due to take place in May. 3 costs were provided as the final set up will depend on the requirements imposed by the Highways once RH has submitted the application to site the lights. It is hoped it will be no more than £817 but the committee agreed to provide scope for the Clerk to approve up to £1,604.20 for the more complex set up is required.
6). To consider additional costs for replacement glass frames for the Eyeswell BT box :-
It was resolved to recommend the purchase of a set of retaining frames for the glass panes, up to £490 plus VAT, which is the price of a new set. It has been recommended to obtain a reclaimed set if possible from ebay, which are authentic to the box spec and will be slightly cheaper.
7). Update on the outdoor gym equipment project and to consider and approve Wicksteed as the annual inspection contractor.
It was resolved to recommend approval of Wicksteed as the annual inspectors for the outdoor gym, at a cost of £60 plus VAT per location. It was noted that the sign at Hartlands Road is to be removed and reinstalled as it appears someone has tried to remove it.
8). Update on pavement clearance activities within the parish;
TGM are undertaking the Stone Road clearance works, and work on the Stafford Road and Newport Road will have to be scheduled around their usual grounds maintenance workload. There is a short stretch of the Swynnerton Road yet to be completed by the Borough Council.
9). Update on the Allotments tree planting and to approve the tree to be included as part of the Queen’s Green canopy:-
An oak sapling is on order and expected in May. It was resolved to recommend the tree is registered as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy and the Allotments Association will be contacted to ask if they wish to site a commemorative plaque.
10).To consider a resident request to cut back encroaching tree on the Jubilee Playing Field and receive advice from tree surgeon:-
The report was received and discussed by members. The tree surgeon recommendation is that no action is taken to undertake works at this time as although the tree is extending towards the property, the branches are approximately 3-5 metres away from the building and not in immediate danger of causing harm. It is an Ash tree, which can be susceptible to Ash die back, so the recommendation is to monitor the tree over the next few months to determine if it has any signs of disease. A report will be provided and the committee can review any recommended course of action later in the year. It was resolved to recommend this course of action.
It was noted that the resident is allowed to cut back any branches to their boundary line, although the open wounds can increase the possibility of ash die back. This will be advised to the resident.
11. To review the suggested areas for the Ecclian/Parish tidying project and compile a list of areas, activity and timescales:-
A list of areas has been compiled – some of which may need further enquiries regarding ownership and permissions. In the first instance, it was agreed to send the list to the Ecclians with a view to discuss the items and seek their input on the suggestions.
It was noted that the former NatWest building needs tidying up – the Clerk will look for previous correspondence in order to submit a request to the current owners.
12). To consider the current bimonthly schedule for the large refuse vehicle and if the visit numbers should be increased to monthly visits from 2023:-
It was agreed for members to assess the current service to see how full it gets and customer numbers and feedback to the next meeting in order to make an informed recommendation.
13. To consider and approve the Bloom watering tender:-
Concerns were expressed at the quotation provided by the Borough Council, which has more than doubled from 2021, although the specification has remained unchanged. The Clerk noted another council in the area has had no increase to their watering costs for 2022. Many enquiries have been made to find alternative suppliers to quote but no contractors have been identified. Members considered alternatives but there was no immediate solution. It was agreed to write to the Borough Council to enquire about the increased costs, whether the quote correctly matches the specification and if there is any scope for review. It was also agreed to make the Ecclians aware of the situation. The decision on how to proceed will be taken at the Council meeting on the 20th April.
14. Correspondence:-
• Resident concerns regarding overgrown hedge on Stafford Street /Newport Road junction reducing driver visibility. It was resolved to recommend writing to the resident to ask for their support by cutting back the hedge.
• Resident request for an alternative location to re-site a memorial bench that used to be in front of the Star Café. The resident will refurbish and paint the bench, and if a mutually agreeable location could be agreed upon, the bench will be donated to the Parish Council. Members considered potential locations including the Eyeswells or Selwyn Court. Members were asked to identify appropriate locations for discussion at the next meeting. The resident will also be asked for their ideas.
• The Council has been advised that the Sugnall Estate will be undergoing tree works at the pump site and the bench will need to be temporarily removed whilst the works were undertaken. Mr. Sheard has agreed to do this once the Council is advised of the planned works date.
15). Items for next meeting
Any items for consideration to be sent to the Clerk.
14). Date of Next Meeting:- June 8th, 2022, following the planning meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.40pm.