Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday 7th June 2023 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. Apologies
2. To elect a Chairman and Vice Chairman
3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, April 5th 2023.
4. To provide an update on any outstanding remedial works to assets and to remind members to submit their asset inspection reports to the Clerk.
5. Refurbished BT boxes:
- To receive an update on any responses to repurposing of the BT box on the Washpits.
- To advise any updates to the work at Croxton and Fair Oak.
6. Croxton Play area – to receive the operational inspection report and consider actions arising.
7. To receive any feedback on usage of the outdoor gym equipment.
8. To provide an update on planned pavement clearance works
9. Lengthsman – to collate any new work requirements
10. Correspondence:-
- No correspondence was received by the date the agenda was issued.
11. Items for next meeting.
12. Date of Next Meeting – August 16th, 2023, following the planning meeting.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 25/05/2023
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, 7th June 2023 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after the Planning Committee meeting, at 7.40pm.
Present were:-
Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor (Chair) Councillor R. Langford
Councillor D. Hill Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor C. Wilkins
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
Observer: Cllr. D. Hall.
1). Apologies:-
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Perren, G. Dale and Jones.
2). Election of Chairman / Vice Chairman:-
Councillor S. Perren was nominated and elected as Chair for the ensuing year.
In the absence of the current or past Chairman, Councillor R. Taylor requested nominations for Vice-Chair of the committee and Councillor C Ryan-Bloor was elected and took the chair for the meeting.
3). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday April 5th 2023:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council, were agreed and signed.
4). Asset inspections:
Members were provided an update on outstanding remedial works to assets. Remedial work to prevent sagging of the benches at Elford was underway.
Members were reminded to submit their asset inspection reports to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity. It was agreed that any routine refurbishment work would be passed onto the handyman for rectification straight away to avoid delays.
It was noted that the circular bench on the Stone Road required repainting. As this is owned by the Rotary Club, Cllr. Taylor agreed to raise it with them.
5). Refurbished BT boxes:
- To receive an update on any responses to repurposing of the BT box on the Washpits.
There has been no interest by any groups with regards to repurposing and managing the box, and the Historical Society has suggested using existing information created by the Ecclian Society if the council wished to provide information on the history of Eccleshall.
It was agreed to create an article and online survey for inclusion in the summer newsletter to see what the community would like to use it for. Suggestions included a book swap, information point, surplus plant swap or art gallery, as well as inviting other suggestions.
- To advise any updates to the work at Croxton and Fair Oak.
The Croxton box has had its second exterior coat and work to paint the interior has commenced. Cllr. G. Dale will ask a separate contractor to provide a quote to paint the fine detail of the gold crowns. As previously approved, the materials to refurbish the interior will be purchased and work commence at the earliest opportunity.
The painter has not started the Fair Oak box due to concerns that the paint layers need to be mechanically stripped prior to painting. It was agreed that sandblasting was not a practical option as it was costly and would require all the glass to be removed and new glass inserted. Alternative methods will be researched and reported back at the next meeting. Cllr. Langford will ask a local contractor for their advice.
6). Croxton Play area – to receive the operational inspection report and consider actions arising.
The interim inspection report from HAGS was considered by the committee in depth. The two key pieces of work were to refurbish the play shelter and replace some of the posts on the activity trail, although neither were identified as too unsafe to use whilst this was being arranged. The Clerk will progress obtaining quotes for the work, and also look to address some of the minor issues such as the entrance gate catching on the ground and recovering of the mushroom stepper foundations.
The Clerk will also contact HAGS, the inspectors, to clarify their assessment of the platform on the multiplay unit and to also ask if it would be acceptable to fit metal collars to the replacement posts on the activity trail, to reduce strimmer damage and extend the life of the posts.
7). To receive any feedback on usage of the outdoor gym equipment
Members advised positive feedback on the use of the equipment.
8). To provide an update to pavement clearance works:-
- The work on the Stafford Road from Sancerre Grange to Blurtons Lane has been completed and has made a great improvement to the accessibility of the pavement.
- A new quote is pending for the Newport Road, but if accepted, will be scheduled for autumn due to the capacity of the contractors.
9). Lengthsman – to collate any new work requirements:-
In consultation with the chairman at the time, the contractors have been provided with a list of works for Croxton, which will be completed ahead of the well dressing festival on July 1st.
Members were asked to forward any suggestions for further work to the Clerk for consideration, and this request will be extended to all councillors.
Concerns were raised regarding the sign at Pershall junction, leading to the Star at Copmere, as it is hidden by hedge overgrowth. This will be passed onto the team for their attention.
On a separate issue, it was noted that the old NatWest building has a drain downpipe that is coming away from the wall, which has been reported to the estate agents as this is not something that can be repaired by the council.
10). Correspondence:-
- There was no correspondence for consideration.
11). Items for next meeting
- Update on the BT boxes and further actions to be considered
- Update on Croxton play area repairs
- Update on the Elford Heath Crested Newt project
Any further items for consideration to be sent to the Clerk.
12). Date of Next Meeting:- August 16th, 2023, following the planning meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm.