Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday 16th August 2023 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, June 7th 2023.
3. Asset inspections:
- To provide an update on any outstanding remedial works to assets
- Remind members to submit their asset inspection reports to the Clerk
- To allocate outstanding assets for inspection
4. Refurbished BT boxes:
- To receive an update on any responses to repurposing of the BT box on the Washpits
- To prove an update to the work at Croxton and Fair Oak and to consider costs for bespoke signage
- To consider if additional works are required to paint the bases
5. Croxton Play area – to provide an update on the actions arising from the operational report
6. Elford Heath:
- To provide any update on the Elford Heath Great Crested Newt project planning
- To consider actions as advised by Staffs Wildlife Trust to promote wildflower growth to improve habitat biodiversity
- To provide any updates to remedial works to the car park
- Feedback on report of blocked pipe into the main pool and any proposed actions
7. To consider issue and any proposed actions regarding overgrown hedge on Newport Road prior to Johnson Hall Nurseries
8. Circular seat on the Stone Road – to consider if the Council wishes to undertake the repainting of the Rotary owned circular seat, to include removal of the dead tree.
9. Lengthsman – to receive any reports on work completed to date and to collate new work requirements
10. Correspondence:-
- Resident concerns about low hanging branch on tree near Market Fields and Holly near the outdoor gym equipment – Jubilee Playing Field
11. Items for next meeting.
Date of Next Meeting – October 4th, 2023, following the planning meeting.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 10/08/2023
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, 16th August 2023 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after the Planning Committee meeting, at 8.07pm.
Present were:-
Councillor S. Perren (Chair) Councillor R. Langford
Councillor D. Hill Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor C. Wilkins Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
1). Apologies:-
Apologies were received from Cllrs. G. Dale, Hall and Jones.
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday June 7th 2023:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council, were agreed and signed.
3). Asset inspections:
Members were provided an update on outstanding remedial works to assets – the rain has delayed some of the repainting works but they will be progressed as soon as possible.
Members were reminded to submit their asset inspection reports to the Clerk at the earliest opportunity.
Outstanding assets were allocated as follows:- Pershall Bench – Cllr Langford; Slindon assets – Cllr. Hill.
It was commented that the information board along the Eyeswell path may benefit from updating and it was resolved to look into alternative content and costings.
4). Refurbished BT boxes:
- To receive an update on any responses to repurposing of the BT box on the Washpits.
The Clerk circulated the responses to the public survey to date. A slightly favourable option was a book exchange, and other votes included a seed/plant swap and information point. However, no volunteers have stepped forward to offer to run it. One suggestion was to use for seasonal displays (such as the Christmas tree) short term and review in a year. Cllr. Hill volunteered to look into the possibility of converting it to an information point and looking after it. It was agreed for the Clerk and Cllr. Hill to look into this.
- To advise any updates to the work at Croxton and Fair Oak and to consider costs for bespoke signage.
Both boxes have been painted, all bar the gold crowns. The Croxton box is awaiting a repair to the door hinge and filling of an unused cable access hole. The shelving is in place ready for use as a book exchange. The Clerk is awaiting a response from the First Responders with regards to arranging the installation of a defibrillator at Fairoak.
It was resolved to recommend purchase of 3 name plates for the BT boxes at a cost of £100. Croxton – 1 x ‘Book Exchange’; Fairoak – 1 x ‘Fairoak’ 1 x ‘Defibrillator’.
- To consider if additional works are required to paint the bases.
The bases of the boxes are set within the ground and would require considerable digging away and a liner fitted in order to expose the bases for painting and ongoing maintenance. At present the bases are in good condition and it was agreed to leave for now but to monitor for any issues. Cllr. Langford will inspect the Croxton and Fairoak boxes, and Cllr. Perren the Washpits box.
5). Croxton Play area – to provide an update on the actions arising from the operational report:-
Actions that arose from the last report were completed as agreed. The latest report has been received for August which has flagged up an urgent issue to replace another post on the trim trail. The Clerk is progressing a quotation for the repair. Cllr. Langford will inspect the post and if necessary, tape off the area until the repair is completed. The play hut has also been advised to need further repairs and this will be progressed. It was also resolved to obtain a quotation for repainting of all the weathered wood – perimeter fencing, gates and bin, for completion next summer.
6). Elford Heath:
- Update on the Great Crested Newt project planning:- The Wildlife Trust provided an updated project proposal which contained more specific details on the plans to be implemented and confirmed the pool locations and sizes. There were no questions raised by the committee.
- Biodiversity improvements:- The Clerk and Council representatives met with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to look at how the council could further improve habitat biodiversity on the heath. SWT identified a grassed area adjacent to the current pool which already contains a number of beneficial wild plants. All that is required is for the Council to plan out the area to the grounds contractors and ensure that it remains unmowed until the end of August. It was resolved to recommend approval of this course of action, to commence in spring 2024. The SWT officer will help liaise with the contractor to identify the area in question.
- Remedial works to the car park:- the rain has delayed the planned works but if the weather stays fair, it has been scheduled for w/c 21st August.
- Report of blocked feeder pipe into the main pool:- Jacksons have located the feeder pipe into the main pool and advised that it is blocked. Cllrs. G. Dale and Perren met with Jacksons to discuss the issue and this is being progressed for resolution.
7). To consider issue and any proposed actions regarding overgrown hedge on Newport Road prior to Johnson Hall Nurseries:
There is a long stretch of overgrown hedge which is severely restricting pedestrian access to the pavement. The hedge is adjacent to a large field and some residential properties. However it is not known who owns the field to request cutting back. It was resolved that:
- The Clerk will make enquiries to see if ownership of the field can be determined.
- Hill will ask Johnson Hall Nursery to see if they are aware of who owns the field.
- Submit a report to Highways and add to the Highways meeting agenda to request assistance.
- To write to residents of Mallow Close that are adjacent to the hedge to request their support in cutting back their respective areas (7 properties total).
8). Circular seat on the Stone Road – to consider if the Council wishes to undertake the repainting of the Rotary owned circular seat, to include removal of the dead tree:-
The blue circular seat needs sanding and repainting, and the dead tree in the centre of the bench is of considerable size and will require professional removal. The Rotary Club are unable to fund the necessary works. In order to consider if the council wish to take on these works it was resolved for the Clerk to obtain quotations for the work required for consideration. It was noted that both this seat and the blue seat at the crossroads require regular repainting and to look into costs for completely restriping, coating and painting of both seats to obtain a longer lasting finish. Members noted that the benches may be the work of Mr. Cartwright. Cllr. Hill agreed to contact him to enquire the best course of action for the benches.
9). Lengthsman – to collate any new work requirements:-
Members noted that gutter cleaning is required along Shaws Lane and Cross Butts, as well as along the Chester Road past the tennis club. The Clerk will contact Highways in the first instance to request if they can advise if they are due to be cleared soon, to avoid any duplication of work.
Work to be passed onto the lengthsman for completion:
- A light tidy up of Elford Heath – fallen branches etc
- Clean of, and cutting back of plants around the Eccleshall sign located by the Cricket Club
- Eyeswell path to the rear of the Vicarage – digging off of the area around the drain to reduce mud/flooding.
On a separate issue, it was noted that the vegetation to the front of the former Butterly Barns premises needs cutting back and weeding. The clerk will write to request the remedial works once a contact is identified.
10). Correspondence:-
- Resident concerns about low hanging branch on tree near Market Fields and an overgrown Holly near the outdoor gym equipment at the Jubilee Playing Field. It was resolved to request a report/quotation for any required remedial works.
11). Items for next meeting
Any items for consideration to be sent to the Clerk.
12). Date of Next Meeting:- October 4th, 2023, following the planning meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.35pm.