Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after a meeting of the Traffic Management Committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2024.
3. Asset inspections:
- To note receipt of updated asset inspections sheet and provide an update on any planned remedial works to assets
- To consider replacement or repair costs of the bench on the Newport Road and approve a course of action.
4. Refurbished BT boxes:
- To receive any updates for use of the BT box on the Washpits
- To approve the decoration of the Washpits BT box for Christmas by the Scouts
5. Croxton play area:
- To provide an update on any actions outstanding
6. To consider and approve the quotations for Christmas trees and lighting installation
7. To agree the proposed tender specification for the grass cutting contract 2025-2027
8. To consider any need for additional dog waste bins and provision of dog bags
9. To consider future activities, projects and agree a budget for the financial year 2025/26
10. Beech Road:
- To receive an update on progress of leasing of Beech Road play area
- To receive an update from the Beech Road working group
11. Lengthsman Scheme:
- To feedback on recent activity and collate any new work requests
12. Correspondence:-
- There is no correspondence for consideration
13. Items for next meeting.
14. Date of Next Meeting – December 4th 2024, following the planning meeting.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 25/09/2024
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after the Traffic Management Committee meeting, at 9.00 pm.
Present were:-
Councillor S. Perren (Chair) Councillor G. Dale
Councillor D. Hall Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor R. Langford Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor
Councillor P. Jones
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
Observer: Cllr. A. Reid
1). Apologies:-
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Hill and Taylor.
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 14th August 2024:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council, were agreed and signed.
3). Asset inspections:-
- Members were circulated the latest 2024 asset inspection sheets. Most works are now completed.
- Following further assessment of the bench on the Newport Road, additional works to weld the iron bench end would be required before the bench could be straightened and refixed in place. Members considered the most economical course of action based on the repair costs and the cost of a new bench. It was resolved to recommend the purchase of a new bench with metal end pieces and recycled slats. A suitable bench will be costed by the Clerk, but initial research indicates a cost of approximately £600, plus installation costs.
4). Refurbished BT boxes:-
- To receive an update on any responses to repurposing of the BT box on the Washpits
Cllr. Hill was not in attendance to provide an update. Members considered and approved the request from Eccleshall Scouts to decorate the box for the Christmas period. It was agreed to include the repainting of the box in next years budget.
5). Croxton Play area:
- Feedback on any actions outstanding:
Cllr. Mifflin has removed the rough areas of concern on the log walk. There has not been an inspection since the last meeting. The Clerk will contact play suppliers to see what alternative equipment they could suggest, and costs, for consideration.
6). To consider and approve the quotations for Christmas trees, lighting installation and cherry picker hire:
It was resolved to recommend approval of the quotations as follows:
- £2359 ex VAT for the supply of Norway Spruce trees, quantities 71 x 4.5ft trees, 1 x 25ft tree and 1 x 20ft tree, including delivery and installation.
- £155 ex VAT for the supply of cherry pickers for light installation and removal.
- £997 ex VAT for the installation and removal of lights on the two large trees.
7). To agree the proposed tender specification for the grass cutting contract 2025-2027
- The Clerk provided members with a copy of the proposed tender specification for the upcoming contract renewal, which is unchanged from the current schedule. It was resolved to approve this document and commence the tendering process.
8). To consider any need for additional dog waste bins and provision of dog bags
There is an issue with residents not picking up after their dogs in the area to the rear of the Community Centre, where the outdoor gym equipment is located. There is a waste bin near to the Community Centre entrance. It was resolved to recommend the purchase of a dog bag dispenser to see if this would help reduce the problem. The cost is £191 ex VAT for a green dispenser bin and a supply of bags from KBS, plus installation costs. The clerk will also request dog fouling warning signs from Stafford Borough Council.
9). To consider future activities, projects and agree a budget for the financial year 2025/26
Members were asked to consider future projects for inclusion in next year’s budget and submit to the Clerk. This year’s project budget was increased to accommodate supplementary expenditure on Beech Road play area. Repainting of the washpits BT box will be included in the planning for next year
10). Beech Road:
- Update on progress of leasing of Beech Road play area:
The lease documentation is still being progressed by the Borough Council and is currently sitting with the legal team. Cllr. Reid will request an update.
- To receive an update from the Beech Road working group:
The tender scoring is nearing completion and a recommendation for the preferred supplier will be brought to the October Parish Council meeting for approval. Members will be able to view the plans at the meeting. Once the preferred supplier is appointed, we can work with them to deliver a public consultation and look at any tweaks to result in a final design that is fit for purpose. It was noted that any formal signing of a contract will be dependent on receipt of the S.106 funding from the Borough Council, and the application process cannot be started until the design is available to support the application. A realistic project completion date, based on these steps, is summer 2025.
11). Lengthsman Scheme – feedback on recent activity and collate any new work requests.
- Recent activity and collate any new work requests. The work to clear the Newport Road was completed but recent wet weather has served to increase the regrowth of the pavement vegetation. New requests include – to complete a tidy of overgrowth around the milestones and to consider if the team can help with clearance of silt on a lane in Croxton to prevent flooding. Cllr. Langford is happy to meet with G-Tec to discuss this.
- Dale raised the issue of the missing sign for the River Sow. The clerk will chase up an update.
12). Correspondence:
- There was no correspondence for consideration.
13). Items for next meeting:-
Any items for consideration to be sent to the Clerk.
14). Date of Next Meeting:- December 4th, following the Planning Committee meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm.