Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday May 1st, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre, following a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. Apologies
2. Notes of the meeting held on Wednesday, February 6th 2019.
3. Matters arising not covered on the agenda
4. Risk Assessments and Assets Surveys for 2019 and re-allocation of inspections.
5. Croxton Playing Field:-
- repairs update and consideration of alternative quote for refurbishment of the wetpour surface to prevent shrinkage.
- Trimming of lower tree branches
- to consider if any cleaning of the equipment is required.
6. Update on planning for remedial work and a management plan for Elford Pool
7. Update on works to improve the picnic area at Copmere
8. Update on refurbishing the BT phone boxes at Fair Oak and Croxton
9. Update regarding installation of Bishops Court signage and to consider additional signage to keep dogs on leads.
10. Concerns regarding growth of saplings behind the public toilets.
11. Correspondence:-
12. Items for next meeting
13. Date of Next Meeting
A meeting of the Enhancement and Preservation Committee of Eccleshall Parish Council was held on Wednesday May 1st at Eccleshall Community Centre, Shaws Lane, Eccleshall, at 8.20pm, following a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1). Present were:-
Councillor P. Baskerville
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor G. Garner
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor E. Amos Councillor C. Marshall
Councillor P. Alcock
Mr G. Dale
Mrs S. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies:- Cllr. P. Mullee
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday February 6th, 2019:- The Minutes, which had been noted by the Council, were signed by the Chairman.
3). Matters Arising not covered on the agenda:- There were no matters arising.
4). Risk assessments and asset surveys:-
The Clerk circulated the new asset survey report for completion during 2019-20. It was noted that many of the areas will need reassigning to other councillors due to the change in members from May. The committee agreed to schedule the next meeting of the committee for July, to allocate areas and allow time for the inspections to be completed over the summer.
5). Croxton Playing Fields:-
- Repair update and consideration of alternative quote for refurbishment of the wetpour surface to prevent shrinkage:- An alternative quotation was provided by Wicksteed for a refurbishment of the wetpour. The quotation included complete resurfacing, and a new technique whereby the wetpour edge would be run underneath the surface of the turf, removing the need for annual repairs due to shrinkage from the wooden edging of the play areas. The cost was £5,802.50 ex VAT. After discussion, the committee resolved that the cost was prohibitive at this time, and for the Clerk to advise Wicksteed to continue with the originally approved quotation for infilling the wetpour. Research into alternative surfaces such as bark will continue.
- Trimming of lower tree branches:- TGM has visited the site and were unable to identify the branches to be removed. Cllr. Langford agreed to visit the site and mark up the branches to be trimmed.
- To consider if any cleaning of the equipment is required:- The equipment and play surface is in need of a clean to remove algae and surface dirt. However, the last clean by Streetscene was around £500, which is not affordable. The Clerk was requested to source alternative quotations for consideration at the Parish Meeting in May. Suggestions including approaching the ‘Green Cleen’ bin service.
6). Update on plans for remedial work and a management plan for Elford Pool:-
Cllr. Baskerville submitted a plan to the Parish Council in April, and councillors subsequently attended a site meeting to review the scale of the project. Following on from the site meeting, Cllr Baskerville suggested the following revision to the plan priorities:
1. Richard Plant to clean the ditches
2. Completion of the necessary arboricultural work to provide access to the pool by Rob Keyzor, who would be able to chip and spread the vegetation, as opposed to a bonfire.
3. Removal of the reed mace by Richard Plant, to be completed without draining the pool.
Following these initial steps, the site will be reviewed and if necessary, the pool could be drained and the silt removed at a time when water levels are lower.
It was noted that due to the extensive nature of the work, the public will need to be made aware of the plans. A notice could be placed in the summer newsletter.
Cllr. Marshall agreed to liaise with Richard Plant to obtain quotations for the ditch clearance and reed mace removal. The Clerk will obtain a quotation from Rob Keyzor for the arboricultural work. If available, these could be presented to the meeting in May for Parish Council approval.
7). Update on works to improve the picnic area at Copmere:- The two benches supplied by the Borough Council are held in storage by Cllr. Mullee. Mr. Sheard has been advised and when he is ready to undertake the refurbishment and installation the necessary delivery arrangements will be made.
8). Discuss the potential costs for refurbishing the BT phone boxes at Fair Oak and Croxton:- To date, a contractor has not been found who can undertake the specialist refurbishment work required for the boxes. Investigations are ongoing.
9). Bishops Court Signage:- Mrs. Price will pass the signage for Bishops Court onto Cllr. Edwards to install, after residents have granted permission. He will also re-fix the shield onto the Coach and Horses railings.
A suggestion was made to introduce signage to keep dogs on leads on Bishops Court. The Committee did not feel this was necessary at this time.
10). Correspondence:-
Large saplings were noted growing behind the public conveniences and concerns were raised regarding potential damage to drainage. The committee resolved for the Clerk to contact Streetscene to request removal and treatment to prevent regrowth.
12). Items for next meeting:-
BT phone boxes, Elford Common and Croxton Play area would be added to the next agenda. The committee were asked to forward any further items for consideration to the Clerk.
13). Date of next meeting:- July 3rd, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre, after the Planning Committee meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm.