Enhancement and Preservation Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Enhancements and Preservation Committee will be held on Wednesday 3rd November 2021 at Eccleshall Community Centre, after a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, August 18th, 2021
3. Update on Risk Assessments and Assets Survey reports and actions for 2021/22
4. To provide an update on the research into outdoor gym provision.
5. To consider the quotations received for painting the Cheshire fencing at Elford Heath.
6. To provide an update on painting the BT phone boxes at Fair Oak and Croxton and to consider the feedback and costs provided from the First Responders with regards to the provision of a community defibrillator at the Fair Oak BT box.
7. to consider the adoption of the BT phone box on the Washpits.
8. To provide an update on Eyeswell and consideration of any replacement planting.
9. To consider a request from Highways regarding a contribution to the ongoing maintenance of Oak Posts in the town centre.
10. To consider quotations/reports regarding remedial works to the ash tree in the roadside hedge at the Allotments and agree a course of action.
11. To provide an update on pavement clearance activities within the parish.
12. To receive the ecological report on Elford Pool and consider the recommendation to monitor and cut back shrub/tree growth on the southern side to ensure area remains open and allows light to the pool.
13. To consider writing a letter to the Eccleshall Rotary to remove the dead tree from the circular bench on the Stone Road.
14. To consider and determine the budget requirements for Enhancements committee projects for 2022/23, for consideration by the P&R Committee in December.
15. Correspondence:-
- To consider resident correspondence regarding state of grass verges and volunteering to mow.
- To consider resident correspondence regarding the request to tidy the area on the Eyeswell where the conifers were removed, and suggestions for alternate planting schemes.
16. Items for next meeting
17. Date of Next Meeting – January 5th 2022, following the planning meeting.
S.J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 21/10/2021
A meeting of the Enhancements and Preservation Committee was held on Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021 at Eccleshall Community Centre, following the Planning Committee Meeting, at 7.55pm
1). Present were:-
Councillor L. Dale (Chair) Councillor S. Perren
Councillor R. Langford Councillor P. Jones
Councillor G. Dale Councillor A. Reid
Councillor R. Taylor Councillor C. Wilkins
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk) and Mrs. B Partridge (Assistant Clerk)
Apologies:- apologies were received by Councillor Amos.
2). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday August 18th, 2021:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council, were agreed and signed.
4). Risk Assessments and Assets Survey reports for 2021/22:
A report was received regarding the rotting of the seat at the pump site, Offley Hay. It was resolved to recommend removal of the seat so that it is not a hazard. As the area is part of an upcoming planning application, consideration of a replacement seat will be pending the outcome of the application.
Cllr. Taylor confirmed all assets allocated to her have been inspected and are in satisfactory condition. Inspection dates will be supplied to the Clerk.
4). Research into Outdoor Gym provision:
All Council members were invited to a site visit of the proposed areas at Elford Heath, the Community Centre and the Jubilee playing field. Cllr. L. Dale thanked those who attended for their time.
Consideration of the outdoor gym project was deferred until the next meeting on the 1st December, where a detailed proposal and quotations will be presented for consideration and full discussion.
5). Quotations for painting the Cheshire fencing at Elford Heath:
Three quotations were presented for consideration by the committee – but all have slight differences to the work specification. Members requested the following additional information before a decision was made:
- Contact Hilton Main and request a cost to include a coat of rust proof primer
- Find an indicative cost for hire of traffic lights
- Cost of cutting back trees and vegetation to allow access for painting
6). Update on painting the BT phone boxes at Fair Oak and Croxton:
The painting of the phone boxes will be delayed until spring, when there are more suitable weather conditions.
Members considered the proposal to install a defibrillator into the parish owned phone box at Fair Oak. Costs advised from the First Responders are:
- Approximately £2,000 to the purchase of the defib and cabinet and installation costs
- Cost of pads at £35 per set (replace if used or after two years, whichever is first)
- £250 for a replacement lithium battery, to be replaced every 5 years (approximately).
The defib will need to be registered and checked monthly. (There are volunteers who will do this in Fair Oak).
It was resolved to recommend the purchase and maintenance of a defib for Fair Oak, to be installed in the spring, after completed of the painting. The costs will be incorporated into next year’s budget.
7). Adoption of the BT phone box on the Washpits:
The BT box on the Eyeswell is available for adoption – the phone has not been used since 2019. It is in better condition than those adopted in Fair Oak and Croxton and it is expected most of the initial outlay will be in repurposing it, with a regular painting schedule to keep it in good condition. Members suggested it could be an information point, to include the Council walks information. It was resolved to recommend adoption of the BT box, for the nominal fee of £1.
8). To provide an update on Eyeswell and consideration of any replacement planting:
It was resolved to recommend the planting of 4 species rhododendrons on the area where the conifers were removed. It is felt once established, they will hide any uneven ground/rocks. A neighbouring resident has volunteered to put in some additional planting around the shrubs. The work will be undertaken in the spring which will allow purchase of flowering shrubs and provide the best conditions for them to become established.
9). Request from Highways regarding a contribution to the ongoing maintenance of Oak Posts in the town centre:
There has been no further information received on this proposal from County highways and the item will be deferred until this is received.
10). Quotations/reports regarding remedial works to the ash tree in the roadside hedge at the Allotments and agree a course of action:
After professional inspection, the ash tree on Shaws Lane is confirmed to have a severe fungal infection which makes it susceptible to shearing of the wood. This is a health and safety issue due to its proximity to the highway and users of the allotments. As the long term prognosis is poor, rather than pollard the tree it has been recommended the best course of action is to dismantle the tree to below hedge height. 3 quotes were considered for the work and it was resolved to recommend Alex Tree Services to remove the tree. Traffic control will be implemented and the work will be scheduled for the weekend to reduce impact on road traffic.
11). Update on pavement clearance activities within the parish:
The clerk is awaiting a confirmed dates for the following activities, which are expected to be completed over the winter months:
- Stone Road – Blurtons Lane end to Fletchers
- Stone Road – Badgers Croft to Fletchers
- Newport Road (A519) from Cross Butts to the junction with Wootton Lane.
- Swynnerton Road HMP car park to Parish Boundary – from car park up to boundary at Cold Meece, near the war memorial.
A quotation is pending for the Stafford Road (Vistry) to Blurtons Lane stretch.
12). Elford Pool ecological report:
Results of a pond survey, conducted by the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust was received and noted. The report shows the pool is improving from poor to moderate ecological condition, with an increase of aquatic invertebrates and further progression is expected. Recommendations include monitoring and cutting back of the tree/shrub growth on the southern side to ensure area remains open to allow light to the pool.
Members also noted the rill requires clearance to improve water flow.
The Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for cutting back the tree/shrub growth and for clearance of the rill.
13). To consider writing a letter to the Eccleshall Rotary to remove dead tree from the circular bench on the Stone Road.
It was resolved to request that the Rotary club remove the tree. It was also noted that the arches below main part of the seat require painting.
14). Budget requirements for Enhancements committee projects for 2022/23 for consideration by the P & R Committee in December
The committee considered upcoming project plans and the Clerk will allocate a budget to include:
- A rolling programme of pavement maintenance (digging off)
- Phone boxes
- Adoption of the Eyeswell box and any required works to repurpose it.
- Supply and maintenance of a defib in the Fair Oak box
- Further works to Elford Heath – to include maintenance of the trees around the pool
- Repainting of the Cheshire fencing (subject to agreement when total costs are available)
- Provision of Outdoor Gym Equipment
15). Correspondence:-
- Resident correspondence regarding state of grass verges and volunteering to mow:
A resident has written with concerns about the state of verges and some grassed areas around the village and his willingness to adopt and mow areas around Linacre Road/Green Lane. The committee were grateful of his support and agreed to respond to advise him of the discussions planned for a volunteer programme in conjunction with the Ecclians so that it is all tied up in one scheme.
The Clerk will contact the County Council with regards to the issue of weedkiller spraying to explore regulations and opportunities regarding weed spraying, to address the excessive weed growth within highways guttering between the annual SCC visits.
- Resident correspondence regarding the request to tidy the area on the Eyeswell where the conifers were removed, and suggestions for alternative planting schemes
The committee considered the correspondence and suggestions in conjunction with minute item 8) above. The Clerk will write to confirm the planned course of action, to commence in spring.
The committee noted that progression of the Eagle street art is still awaiting a response from the Borough Council, who are being chased.
16). Items for next meeting:-
Please forward any items for consideration to the Clerk.
13). Date of next meeting:-
Wednesday December 1st 2021, after the planning committee meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.50pm.