Events Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Events Committee will be held on Wednesday 6th November 2024, Eccleshall Community Centre, following a meeting of the Planning committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, September 4th 2024
3. Events:
- Update, outstanding actions and any costs for approval in relation to the Christmas tree festival entry
- To receive feedback, proposal and costs for consideration from the working group for a beacon lighting event to celebrate the 80th anniversary of VE Day – 8th May 2025.
4. Correspondence:-
- No correspondence has been received.
5. Items for next meeting
6. To confirm the date of next meeting – January 8th 2025, at 7pm, prior to a meeting of the Planning committee.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 24/10/2024
A meeting of the Events Committee was held on Wednesday November 6th 2024 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.45pm, following the Planning Committee meeting.
Present were: –
Councillor P. Jones (Chairman) Councillor G. Dale
Councillor R. Taylor Councillor M. Gosling
Councillor S. Perren Councillor D. Hill
Councillor D. Feneysey
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
1). Apologies
There were no apologies to receive.
2). To approve the minutes of the Events Committee held on 4th September 2024:
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
3). Event updates:
Christmas Tree Festival – to receive an update and agree any outstanding actions or expenditure
- This is progressing well – 24 clear baubles have been purchased and will be filled with photographs of council activities and the council crest. The clerk will be provided with a shopping list of additional items, expected to be £50 or less.
80th anniversary of VE Day Beacon lighting event – 8th May 2025
- Members noted receipt of the working group meeting notes from the meeting on the 30th Whilst the castle is receptive to holding the lighting event, discussions at the meeting raised concerns about the limitations for putting on additional entertainment with the potential for poor weather and light limitations (The beacon has to be lit at 9.30pm, to fit in with the national plans). It was also noted that as it is a weekday event, with no bank holiday plans, the attendance may be lower than the Jubilee event.
It was noted that the Community Lounge team will be running an afternoon tea event at the Parish Rooms, which will be an additional event offering for the community but will not clash with the evening event.
It was resolved instead to deliver a ‘VE Day 80’ fish and chip supper event, to be held at the Community Centre. detailed plan will be formulated by the working group and brought back to the next meeting, but key points of the open discussion included:
- Fish and Chip ‘wartime’ supper evening to be held from 7.30-9.30pm on Thursday 8th May 2025
- Provision of fish and chips from Eccleshall Chip Shop at £6.50 per person, to be available 8pm or prior, as they will be provided when available. Cllr. Feneysey to help with delivery.
- Provisional booking made for a singer to perform 1940’s songs at a cost of £100 for one hour plus potential costs for provision of background music either side of the performance. May involve a singalong element with song sheets to be provided. VE Day guide suggests singing ‘I Vow To Thee My Country.
- Ticketed event, to cover fish and chips plus a contribution to event costs. Price to be determined.
- Gosling to provide a wartime themed quiz sheet of 20 questions
- Hill to liaise with Bishops Lonsdale Primary Academy to gauge interest in pupils to design a bunting flag each, to hang in the hall for the event
- Look into providing a bar for the evening – Cllr. Hill to discuss with the King’s Arms.
- Capacity of large hall – to be set up with tables and chairs due to the meal. Expected to be at least 110 seats in this format, Cllr. Dale to assess and advise. Will need a team to set up and break down the room for the event.
- Decorate tables with flags, provide hats etc. Cllr. Dale to see if any stock left over from the Jubilee afternoon tea.
- Main event in hall to finish around 9.15pm to allow time for guests to move outside for Beacon lighting.
- Hill to ask Eccleshall Saddlery for provision of gas. Burn time for last event was approximately 20 minutes.
- Taylor to light the beacon, and it was suggested to ask Pat Trevor to be involved, due to his work to preserve the history of Eccleshall.
- The Clerk will circulate dates for the next working group meeting to further plan, prior to the next committee meeting in January.
4). Correspondence:-
There was no correspondence received.
5). Items for next meeting
Any other items can be forwarded to the Clerk.
6). Date of next meeting:-
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday January 8th 2025 at 7pm, prior to a meeting of the planning committee.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.30pm