Events Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Events Committee will be held on Wednesday 3rd November 2021, at Eccleshall Community Centre, following the meeting of the Enhancements committee.
1. Apologies
2. To feedback on the outcome of the public meeting held on the 14th October
3. To provide an update and confirm the activities to be delivered by the committee
4. To approve the following actions in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events:-
- To approve the cost and submission of an application to the Borough Council to close the High Street on Sunday 5th June for a street party.
- To approve the cost to purchase a Jubilee beacon.
- To approve the cost of webhosting for a Jubilee website.
5. To resolve to convene a working group for the Jubilee celebrations and agree membership.
6. To consider and determine the committee budget requirements for 2022/23, for consideration by the P&R Committee in December.
7. Correspondence:-
- To note the withdrawal of the request to take over the running of the Eccleshall Festival from 2023.
8. Items for next meeting
9. Date of next meeting
S.J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 21/10/2021
A meeting of the Events Committee was held on November 3rd, 2021 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 9.00pm, following the Planning and Enhancements committee meetings.
Present were: –
Councillor R. Taylor (Chair) Councillor L. Dale
Councillor P. Jones Councillor J. Jones
Councillor G. Dale
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
1). Apologies
Apologies were received by Councillor Amos.
2). Outcome of public meeting on 14 October, 2021:
There was a positive outcome from the public meeting and a number of good ideas came from the meeting, to be led by a number of key organisations within the parish. The committee are starting to collate a draft event schedule of planned activities.
3). Update and confirmation of the activities to be delivered by the Committee.
The activities planned by the committee are:
- 2 x afternoon teas for over 70’s in Eccleshall
- 1 x afternoon tea for over 70’s in Croxton
- Quiz night
- Evening event with live band/last night of the proms
- Hire of activity for younger people – options include skate park/mobile climbing wall/bungee trampolines
- Potential hire of large bouncy castle (dependant on timing of other activities)
- Street Party
- Lighting of a Jubilee beacon (with a piper, if one can be sourced).
It is also planned to co-ordinate an art competition in conjunction with Bishops Lonsdale Academy school, to be judged by local art teachers/artists, and prizes awarded within different age brackets. A venue for display of the art needs to be arranged, and members considered if the library would provide a space. It was noted that the PTA wish to be involved in activities – which may be the competition, or another activity such as a sports day.
4). Actions in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events:-
It was resolved to approve the following actions:
- To apply to the Borough Council for closure of the High Street on Sunday 5th June for a street party, from at a cost expected to be approximately £120. Additional costs approved include hire of any required road signage (estimated at approximately £250).
- To purchase a Jubilee beacon at a cost of £490 plus VAT. The preferred design is pending feedback from Holy Trinity Church. The Clerk will research costs for 2 x 19kg gas cylinders and fire extinguishers if none are available to use within the church.
- The cost of £100 for webhosting for a Jubilee website. The name will be
5). To convene a working group for the Jubilee celebrations and agree membership.
It was resolved to convene a Jubilee working group, consisting of all members of the events committee. Membership can include individuals outside of the Council and any additional membership will be considered in due course.
6). To consider and determine the committee budget requirements for 2022/23, for consideration by the P & R Committee in December.
The current budget allocation for 2021/22 is £4,000 and whilst a proportion of this is expected for pre-event deposits and advance purchases, it is possible that the majority of the costs will fall into 2022/23.
The committee resolved to request a budget of £9,000 for 2022/23. In addition to the activity costs listed above, costs for an events programme and a commemorative brochure were incorporated as well as the provision of decorations for local traders to display.
Sponsorship opportunities will be explored. .
7). Correspondence
- The committee noted the correspondence from the Festival committee withdrawing the request to take over the running of the Eccleshall Festival from 2023.
8). Items for the next meeting.
Items for the next meeting can be sent to the Clerk for consideration.
9). Date and venue for next meeting:
Wednesday January 5th 2022, after the planning committee meeting. Further meetings were requested for 3rd March and the 4th May 2022.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.40pm