Events Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Events Committee will be held on Wednesday 6th April 2022, at Eccleshall Community Centre, following the meeting of the Enhancements committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, March 2nd 2022
3. To receive an update from the Jubilee Working party meeting regarding ongoing activities and discuss matters arising
4. To consider and approve the risk assessments completed to date
5. To consider and approve the following actions in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events:-
- Beacon lighting event
- To agree the updated fee for the piper to include rehearsal costs
- To agree the costs for operatic singer
- Thanksgiving service
- To agree the costs for supply of refreshments
- To agree the recipients for proceeds of the cake auction
- To agree costs for any commemorative gifts
- To consider costs for any additional street decorations
- To consider any costs for promotional banners
- To consider the costs for the Street party live entertainment and to agree any financial contributions
6. To provide an update on the events programme, consider the timeline for completion and consider any costs for delivery.
7. Correspondence:-
- None was received by the date the agenda was issued
8. Items for next meeting
9. Date of next meeting
S.J. Worden
Clerk to the Council 31/3/22
A meeting of the Events Committee was held on Wednesday April 6th 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 8.50pm, following the Enhancements Committee meeting.
Present were: –
Councillor R. Taylor (Chair) Councillor L. Dale
Councillor D. Hill Councillor G. Dale
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
1). Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Peter Jones, Joy Jones and Amos.
2). To approve the minutes of the Events Committee held on 2 March, 2022:
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
3). To receive an update from the Jubilee Working Party meeting regarding ongoing activities and discuss matters arising.
The notes from the working group were received and accepted by the committee.
4). To consider and approve the risk assessments completed to date.
Work on the Risk Assessments is progressing well. Cllrs. Taylor and G. Dale met with Mrs Melissa Carter-Motley to obtain the necessary event details. It was noted that battery operated lights would be useful for lighting up the beacon itself. Committee members and the Clerk will research costs and best options.
It was resolved to approve the purchase of 20 Hi-Viz vests in yellow at a cost of £170 plus VAT. The vests will have the parish crest on the front and Eccleshall Parish Council EVENT on the back. Members will advise the Clerk what sizes to order.
Holy Trinity Church has requested a Risk Assessment for the evening Thanksgiving event. Cllr. Taylor has asked for any templates/ previous risk assessment as guidance.
5). To consider and approve the following action in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events
- Beacon lighting event
- It was resolved to approve the revised fee for the piper of £150 to include additional rehearsal costs.
- It was resolved to approve the fee of £130 for the operatic singer.
- Thanksgiving service
- It was resolved to approve the cost of £200 for canapes from Sal’s Catering and £150 for refreshments, to be purchased separately.
- It was resolved to approve the proceeds of the cake auction and sales will be donated to Eccleshall First Responders and Katharine House.
- The committee resolved to approve a budget of £250 for the purchase of commemorative coasters for organisers and volunteers of the Jubilee events. Supplier samples will be reviewed and a decision made on the preferred design. It was noted that stickers could be made and put on the back of the coasters to state that the gift was given by Eccleshall Parish Council as a token of appreciation for your support.
- It was resolved to approve the purchase of 50 Jubilee lamp post signs from the British Legion at a cost of £186.82 plus VAT. Croxton and Slindon councillors will be contacted to ask if they would like any for their respective areas.
- It was resolved to approve the purchase of 2 promotional banners at a cost of £79 plus VAT including artwork. It was also resolved to approve the printing of two A1 posters to advertise the ticket sales points within the library
- It was resolved to contribute £1,000 towards the cost of the street party live entertainment, and the Clerk would make the necessary arrangements with the entertainment organiser.
6). To provide an update on the events programme, consider the timeline for completion and consider and costs for delivery.
Cllr. Taylor is finalising the event information for the programme for the Clerk to add to the programme template which has been drafted up. It is anticipated to be a 20 page booklet, with introduction and contents pages, programme details with images and a back page to advertise ticket sale information and the upcoming Festival.
Cllr. Taylor has finalised the wording of the Beacon tickets. The Clerk will progress this with Creative for artwork and printing. It was agreed that for those attending as a family, tickets will not be needed for children 12 and under.
7). Correspondence:-
There was no correspondence to consider.
8). Items for next meeting
Any items can be forwarded to the Clerk.
10). Date of next meeting:-
Wednesday 4th May 2022, following a meeting of the Planning committee.
A date of the 25th April was suggested for the next working group meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 10.00pm