Events Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Events Committee will be held on Wednesday 4th May 2022, at Eccleshall Community Centre, following the meeting of the Planning committee.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, April 6th 2022
3. To receive an update from the Jubilee Working party meeting regarding ongoing activities and discuss matters arising
4. To receive and accept completed risk assessments to date and any other requirements for contractor safety checks.
5. To consider and approve the following actions in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events:-
- Beacon lighting event
- To consider who will be lighting the beacon and plans for briefing
- To consider the cost and approve purchase of battery operated builders lights
- To delegate approval to the Clerk, in conjunction with the Chair, to design and print certificates for the baking and art competitions with associated expenditure.
- To approve the order of additional lamppost decorations.
- To note the action to enter a Jubilee events summary and website link to the national events register at
- To approve the expenditure to order 3 kilos of wildflower seeds and customised seed packets for distribution to all children at Bishop Lonsdale Academy.
- To agree voucher options for Children’s Art competition winners.
- To approve any additional purchases required for the Afternoon Tea refreshments
- To provide an update on the coaster order and consider label quotations.
6. To provide an update on the events programme and approve costs for delivery.
7. To receive an update on the project expenditure to date
8. Correspondence:-
- None was received by the date the agenda was issued
9. To approve delegation to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and members, to approve urgent items prior to the next meeting due to the event timing.
10. Items for next meeting
11. Date of next meeting
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 28/4/2022
A meeting of the Events Committee was held on Wednesday May 4th 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 8.15pm, following the Planning Committee meeting.
Present were: –
Councillor R. Taylor (Chair) Councillor L. Dale
Councillor D. Hill Councillor G. Dale
Councillor P. Jones Councillor J. Jones
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Observer: Councillor Ant Reid
1). Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllr. Amos.
2). To approve the minutes of the Events Committee held on 6 April, 2022:
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
3). To receive an update from the Jubilee Working Party meeting regarding ongoing activities.
The notes from the working group were received and accepted by the committee.
4). To consider and approve the risk assessments completed to date and any other requirements for contractor safety checks .
The completed risk assessments for the lighting of the Beacon and the associated event were received by the committee and will be signed by Cllr. Taylor.
The risk assessment for the Afternoon Teas is completed and will be signed by Cllr. Libby Dale once it has been checked.
The Street Party risk assessment is completed for the Parish Council but awaiting the risk assessment and liability insurances from the entertainment organiser to ensure they are in line with their arrangements.
It was approved for Cllr. Taylor to complete the forms for the Church thanksgiving service to satisfy Holy Trinity risk assessment requirements.
5). To consider and approve the following action in relation to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events:
- Beacon lighting event:
- Taylor will be lighting the beacon. A rehearsal will take place on Monday 9th May. The Clerk will contact 21CC to see if there has to be 2 gas bottles connected or if one is sufficient as the beacon will only be lit for half the time given on the guidance for use with 2 bottles.
- A rehearsal for the piper is planned for the 21st
- Taylor is discussing the timings for the bell ringing with Holy Trinity and Cllr. Reid will assist on the night to contact the church to stop/start the bell ringing at the correct times.
- 9 marshals have been arranged to support the event.
- Taylor is able to supply one of the required external lights for the event. If Cllr. Reid does not have a light of similar brightness it was approved to purchase an additional light at a cost of £23.99.
- It was resolved to delegate approval to the Clerk, in conjunction with the Chair, to design and print certificates for the baking and art competitions, with any associated printing expenditure.
- It was resolved to approve the order of 25 additional lamppost decorations for Croxton at a cost of £93.33.
- The Clerk has registered the Parish events on the national Jubilee events register at
- It was resolved to approve the expenditure to order 2 kilos of wildflower seeds (max of £100) and 300 customised seed packets (£141) for distribution to all children at Bishop Lonsdale Academy. They will be handed out at an assembly on the 25th
- Art Competition:
- All art entries will require a childs name, parents name and contact number on the reverse of the entry so that they can be contacted to attend the presentation ceremony on the afternoon of the 4th
- The vouchers will be Love to Shop vouchers.
- It was approved to purchase rosettes to fix by the award winning entries.
- It was resolved to approve any additional purchases required for the Afternoon Tea refreshments. This includes disposable gloves, 200 napkins, 12 anitbacterial gel miniatures, and tea, coffee, milk and sugar.
- The commemorative coasters have been ordered and it was agreed to approve the cost of stickers at £25 for the reverse, to read ‘ Presented by Eccleshall Parish Council for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee’ or similar.
6). To provide an update on the events programme, consider the timeline for completion and consider and costs for delivery.
The events programme is being printed for completion w/c 9th May. Costs of £256 were approved to distribute the programme within the town centre area. Attempts to find a distributor to deliver them to other areas has been successful but copies will be passed to ward councillors for their distribution to key public areas and copies will be available at various public locations in the town.
Members considered the events programme plans and noted the following:
- The aim is to have 24 marshals in total for the street party to work on a rota basis, and recruitment is ongoing.
- Reid agreed to be on site by 9am at Hartlands Road on Saturday 4th June to check on the installation of the inflatables and erect the parish council event banner. A resident adjacent to the site will help the vehicles to park in a suitable location.
- The band for the Saturday evening dance will be paid from ticket sales and the receipted invoice provided to the Clerk.
- Hill agreed to make enquiries with local school sixth form/colleges to source a videographer and photographer for the events. The Clerk will enquire if there are any contacts for students at Staffordshire University who would be interested.
7). To receive an update on project expenditure to date:
The budget report was received and noted that expenditure is within the planned budget.
8). Correspondence:-
There was no correspondence to consider.
8). Items for next meeting
Any items can be forwarded to the Clerk.
10). Date of next meeting:-
Wednesday 7th September 2022, following a meeting of the Policy and Resources committee. The working group will next meet on the 23rd May at 10am, Eccleshall Community Centre.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.45pm