Footpaths Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Footpaths Committee will be held on Wednesday 4th May 2022, at 7pm, Eccleshall Community Centre, preceding the planning committee meeting.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meetings held on February 2nd 2022
3. Footpath Marshall reports.
4. Review of current maintenance schedule, work completed to date and the forward strategy for ongoing maintenance.
5. Footpath Walks leaflets:
- To provide an update on the Doorstep Walks project with SBC
- To provide an update on the circular walks project
6. To consider if any additional planting is required adjacent to the replacement gate at the junction of footpaths 13 and 15 off Church St.
7. Update on Keep Eccleshall Tidy Team (KETT) and ongoing concerns
8. To consider the issue of dog fouling and any actions to be undertaken
9. Correspondence.
- None was received at the date the agenda was issued
10. Items for next meeting.
11. Date of next meeting – 17th August 2022
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 28/4/2022
A meeting of the Footpaths Committee was held on Wednesday, May 4th, at 7pm at Eccleshall Community Centre.
Present were:-
Councillor R. Taylor (Chair) Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor P. Jones Councillor J. Leather
Councillor S. Mifflin Councillor S. Perren
Councillor D. Hill
Co-opted members:
Mr. N. Davenport Mr. E. Ranson
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
Observers: Cllr. A. Reid, J. Jones.
1). Apologies:- Apologies were received from Mr. Graham Cole.
2). To approve the minutes of the meeting held on February 2nd, 2022.
The minutes of the meetings were approved and signed with one amendment to item 5) the circular walks. The potential car parking area is located off the Eccleshall to Swynnerton Road and not off Sytch Lane.
3). Footpath Marshall reports
Footpath marshal reports are being received and allocated to the footpaths operative on an ongoing basis – there were no areas of particular concern to flag up.
4). Review of current maintenance schedule, work completed to date and considering a forward strategy for ongoing maintenance.
The updated maintenance schedule was circulated for information prior to the meeting. Issues are being reported and addressed as they arise and are starting to increase as we move into walking weather.
5) Footpath Walks leaflets
- Update on the Stafford Borough Council Walks Project:- the booklet is still on hold at the Borough Council due to lack of resource. In order to get the booklet printed and available in time for the warmer months, Cllr. Wilkins has produced a Parish Council branded version, which was circulated for consideration prior to the meeting. All agreed that the brochure was excellent. The clerk will obtain a quotation for printing 100 or 200 copies in A5 booklet format (with the map in the centre of the booklet). The Clerk will produce a front and back cover and include on the back cover that ‘routes were accurate at date of printing (May 2022)’ and provide a link to the other leaflets on the website. Cllr. Wilkins will be credited within the brochure.
- Update on the Circular Walks Project:- the work to identify and research the routes is ongoing and about halfway through. The Clerk is progressing the request to undertake remedial work to footpath 26 with Network Rail and for permission to advertise the Network Rail owned area as potential parking space. Members discussed whether it was an option to use adjacent land to footpath 26 as an alternative route. Mr. Davenport agreed to speak to local landowners to determine who owned the land and if they would be amenable to the suggestion, if proven necessary.
6). To consider if any additional planting is required adjacent to the replacement gate at the junction of footpaths 13 and 15 off Church St.
Members considered whether it would be better to plant a mature shrub to block the gap to the side of the gate or to look into the installation of a post, to ensure access is limited to use of the gate and bicycles cannot gain access. Members voted in favour of post or post/rail and Cllr. Taylor will ask Mr. Cole to visit the site to consider the options.
7). Update on Keep Eccleshall Tidy Team (KETT) and ongoing concerns.
The KETT volunteer work is ongoing and the team will be asked to support a pre-Jubilee litter pick and also litter pick at Eccleshall Castle the morning after the Beacon lighting event.
Cllr. Taylor plans to include photographs of the litter pickers within the Jubilee Commemorative Brochure and extend thanks for their support.
8). To consider the issue of dog fouling and any actions to be undertaken.
It was noted that this is a national problem and there is no obvious additional measures or a solution at present as those who do not clear up are unlikely to respond to additional signage. Members will bring back any ideas as they arise and residents will be asked for suggestions in the winter newsletter.
9). Correspondence:
There was no correspondence for consideration.
10). Items for next meeting
None were raised.
11). Date of next meeting:-
Wednesday 17th August 2022, at 7pm, Eccleshall Community Centre, prior to the Planning committee meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.32pm.