Parish and Planning Meeting
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council, to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday September 18th, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre, followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee.
Parish council agenda
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
3. Public Participation.
4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on July 17th and July 24th 2019.
5. Co-option of Councillors to Horsley Ward.
• Signing of Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Disclosable Pecuniary & Personal Interest Forms.
6. To receive any reports from Borough & County Councillors.
7. To receive Committee Reports:-
Traffic Management Committee
• Update on installation of speed indication devices and to consider quotes for installation of the devices.
• Update on Elford Heath
Policy & Resources
• Approval of the Investment Policy and Contact Privacy Notice
• Public meeting proposal to discuss commemorative ideas for the death of a monarch
• To approve recommendation regarding Council representation at key external meetings
• To approve payment of additional hours of work by the Clerk and proposal to temporarily manage requirements for further additional hours if necessary
• To approve recommendation to sponsor of a Community Defibrillator at a cost of £50 a year
• To approve release of £400 County Council grant for the Community Library CiC
• Updates from meeting held on 4th September
• Approve printing costs for Walk No. 11 (£63 for 400 leaflets)
• To request cutting back of vegetation on footpath 17 by landowner
• To request cutting back of hedges by residents adjacent to footpath from the Crescent to Gaol Butts.
8. To note receipt of the Liaison Representatives reports, as summarised in the Clerks Report.
9. To note the date of an extra Parish Council meeting on 25th Sept to discuss proposals for involvement in the sale of the Police Station Property and to request submission of any proposals for circulation.
10. To provide an update and to consider the final subsidy proposal from D&G buses.
11. To consider paperless ways of working as a Parish Council.
12. To approve volunteer proposal for litter picking and footpath tidying on Sept 22nd
13. To consider any new and proposed development updates:
• Taylor Wimpey Site
• Bovis
• Eagle Sculpture
14. To receive the Clerk’s Report and correspondence for consideration
• Request from resident to send letter to local residents of Elford to deter fly tipping and littering.
15. To receive the Chairman’s Report.
16. Finance:
• To consider and approve accounts for payment
• To note completion of the external audit annual return for 2018/19 with no qualification
• To approve 2019/20 entry in the Eccleshall Guide at a cost of £145 for a full page.
• To consider associate membership of Support Staffordshire (annual cost £25).
17. To request any future agenda items and confirm the date and venue for next meeting – October 16th, 2019, Parish Council Meeting – Offley Hay Village Hall, 7.30pm.
Planning committee agenda
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation.
3. To approve the minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on September 4th 2019.
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
5. To note the amendment to feedback on 9/30307/HOU – Proposed rear garden room. The Parlour, Pershall Lane, Eccleshall.
6. Planning Applications for consideration:-
19/31084/FUL – Siting of a static caravan as a temporary dwelling unit for up to 2 years and siting of a staff welfare unit for a period up to 2 years during the construction of the new dwelling unit at Fledgling Farm. Fledgling Farm, Old Hall Lane, Mill Meece.
19/31096/HOU – Proposed two storey part single storey extension to rear with alterations to first floor window to front elevation. 3 Browns Bridge, Slindon, Stafford.
19/30645/REM – Amended Plans. Claremont Garage Stafford Road Eccleshall.
19/30227/HOU – Amended Application. Burley Cottage, Clayalders Bank, Eccleshall.
7. To consider any further applications:
8. To consider any other planning matters:
• Update regarding Health and Safety issue with the Balancing pond at Overton Manor.
9. To consider any correspondence received:-
10. To confirm the date and venue for next meeting:- October 2nd, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre 7.30pm.
Please note the following meeting dates:-
Policy and Resources Committee:- December 4th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre following the meeting of the Planning Committee.
Enhancements Committee:- October 2nd, 2019 Eccleshall Community Centre following the meeting of the Planning Committee.
Traffic Management Committee:- October 2nd, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre preceding the meeting of the Planning Committee at 7pm.
Footpaths Committee:- January 8th, 2020, Eccleshall Community Centre preceding the meeting of the Planning Committee at 7pm.
Civic Service:- October 27th , 2019 – Holy Trinity Church, Eccleshall, 10.00am.
S. J. Worden, Clerk to the council – 12/09/2019
Parish Council Minutes
134/19). Present were:-
Councillor P. Jones (Chairman)
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor B. Delanchy
Councillor S. Mifflin
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor J. Leather
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
5 members of the public
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Watson, Marshall and Stenning and County Cllr. Pert. Cllr. Edwards was absent.
135/19). To consider Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
There were no requests to receive, and no declarations of interest were made.
136/19). Public Participation:-
There were five members of the public present. A resident spoke in support of the ongoing need for a subsidised bus fare to support young people using the 8am bus to get to school and college. He provided feedback from Sir Graham Balfour that the current cost for their students is too high, and it was noted that it is expected their students would use the bus with the subsided fares in place.
137/19). To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on July 17th and July 24th, 2019:-
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
138/19). Co-option of Councillors to Horsley Ward.
There were two vacancies to be filled for Horsley Ward. Three candidates gave a short presentation to the meeting, answering questions from existing Councillors.
Following the two sets of votes for each individual post, Mr. Paul Mullee of Johnson Home Farm, Eccleshall, and Mr. Stuart Perren of Conifers, Cross Butts, Eccleshall, were duly co-opted to represent the Horsley Ward.
139/19). Reports from Borough and County Councillors:-
Borough Councillor P. Jones attended a Battle of Britain service on the 16th Sept at St. Mary’s Church, Stafford.
140/19). Committee Reports:-
Traffic Management Committee:-
Cllr. Dale provided the following update:-
• Speed Indication Devices: Two quotes have been received for the installation and rotation of the speed devices around the 8 posts located within the Parish.
o Quote 1 was an installation cost of £465 and a monthly rotation cost of £180.
o Quote 2 was an installation cost of £140 and a monthly rotation cost of £40, which is to be reviewed after a 3 month trial period, to ensure it accurately reflects the work required to move the devices.
The Council considered both quotes and resolved to approve quotation 2, provided by Mr. A.G. Jones. Mr. Jones has advised he has the relevant equipment in order to safely install and move the devices, and the Council will ensure risk assessments of each area will be completed.
Enhancements Committee:-
Cllr. Dale provided the following update:-
• Elford Pool
o Keyzors are due to start work on the first stage of tree works on the 30th September, which is anticipated to take around 2.5 days to complete with one team.
o Quotes for pool clearance works are still being received ahead of consideration at the next committee meeting. The Clerk will also obtain quotes for the Newt survey work that has to be conducted between March and June.
Policy and Resources Committee:-
Cllr. P. Jones provided the following update:-
• The Council resolved to approve the recommendation of the committee to accept the new Investment Policy and Contact Privacy Notice.
• A public meeting will be held on the 6th November for local organisations to discuss commemorative activities in the sad event of a death of a monarch. The Clerk will circulate the invitation by email. It was noted that it would be worth including the County Council in any plans that may involve traffic management.
• The Council resolved to approve the committee recommendation that requires the Clerk to attend key external meetings along with Councillors. This is mainly with regards to important business meetings as opposed to liaison groups, and notes of proposals can be taken for circulation to all members. This will provide an impartial account of meetings and ensure Councillors are not put in a position where it is assumed they are speaking on behalf of the Council.
• The Council resolved to approve payment of 35 additional hours of work by the Clerk, accrued due to the extra workload over the last 6 months. The Council also resolved to approve for the Clerk to claim up to ten additional hours on her monthly payroll if needed to manage current workload. The chair would be advised of the hours prior to payroll processing. The P&R committee will review this arrangement at the next meeting in December.
• To approve recommendation to sponsor of a Community Defibrillator at a cost of £50 a year. The Council wished to know more information about the programme and resolved to defer the item until October, to ask Cllr. Watson to provide an overview of how successful it has been and what units are available for sponsoring.
• The Council resolved to approve the release of £400, funded by a County Council grant, specifically earmarked for the Community Library CiC.
Footpaths Committee:-
Cllr. P. Jones provided the following update:-
• The Council resolved to approve the recommendation to print 400 of the revised Walk No. 11 leaflets at a cost of £63.
• Cutting back of vegetation on footpath 17 by landowner – it was noted that since the footpaths meeting the vegetation at the edge of the field has been cut down to ground level, although it was noted that there are still a number of brambles underfoot that are a trip hazard.
• To request cutting back of hedges by residents adjacent to footpath from the Crescent to Gaol Butts. The Council resolved to approve the recommendation to write to residents requesting the cutting back of their respective hedges and trees.
It was noted that there are some properties along Shaws Lane have hedges that overhang the pavement, causing pedestrians to walk on the road to avoid them. The Council resolved to report the issue to the County Council for it to request cutting back of the vegetation. The clerk will be advised of the relevant house numbers.
Mr. Ed. Ranson requested co-option onto the Footpaths committee. He is a member of a local walking group and as such has good working knowledge of the footpaths in the area. The Council resolved to approve this course of action.
141/19). Liaison Representatives:-
Reports were accepted by the Council, as circulated in the Clerk’s Report prior to the meeting. A further report was provided on the Community Centre as follows:
• After the summer recess bookings are very buoyant with many interesting events taking place.
• They have commissioned a stainless-steel flu for the chimney and are awaiting manufacture. Hopefully this will alleviate the damp patch in Green Room. There will be some decorating taking place.
• They are still looking for a treasurer. If Councillors can think of anyone who is interested, please ask them to contact Gordon Dale for further information. The Council agreed to publicise the vacancy in order to promote the opportunity.
It was noted that all liaison representatives should contact the Clerk in advance of the circulation of the Clerks Report, either to provide a report or to confirm that there are no updates available. The report is currently showing a lack of response from representatives.
142/19). To note the date of an extra Parish Council meeting on 25th Sept to discuss proposals for involvement in the sale of the Police Station Property and to request submission of any proposals for circulation.
The date of the meeting was noted, and the Clerk has received documentation to support the agenda items.
143/19). To provide an update and to consider the final subsidy proposal from D&G buses:-
a separate paper was circulated to members ahead of the meeting. The proposal for consideration is that the Parish Council will subsidise the weekly ticket price of £13 to the value of £4 per ticket. This is available for young people (16-19) in possession of a student card to prove eligibility. This will bring the cost down to £9 a week. The ticket can only be purchased on the 8am service of the No. 14 bus. D&G have not offered a cap to the subsidy, so the Parish Council will be liable for all subsidised costs regardless of passenger numbers. Based on current numbers, this is estimated at £56/month, which includes a potential increase in numbers from Sir Graham Balfour students. It was resolved to approve this course of action and for the Clerk to arrange a revised contract to be signed by the Chair and for the subsidy to be available at the earliest opportunity. Once in place, residents will need to be made aware of the reduced fare.
144/19). To consider paperless ways of working as a Parish Council:-
The Council agreed to defer this item until October, when the councillor proposing the item will be able to present their ideas.
145/19). To approve volunteer proposal for litter picking and footpath tidying on Sept 22nd:-
Mr. Ant Reid has provisionally arranged for a geocaching group to undertake voluntary work in Eccleshall on Sunday 22nd September, to conduct litter picking and also to clear vegetation along footpath 149. The litter collected will be stored at the Little George overnight and collected by Streetscene on Monday 23rd Sept. Streetscene has also agreed to collect the vegetation removed from footpath 149. The Clerk has put in place comprehensive risk assessments for each activity, and each participant will be required to sign in so that attendance is recorded for insurance purposes. The Council resolved to approve for the volunteer work to be undertaken as a Parish Council activity, and thanked Mr. Reid for all his hard work in arranging this event.
146/19). To consider any New Development updates:-
Taylor Wimpey site:- current issues with Taylor Wimpey will be discussed in the planning meeting to follow.
Bovis:- There were no issues discussed
Roundabout Feature:- the Clerk is still awaiting a revised plan to show the new location for the Eagle. Concerns were raised about further delays and the Council resolved for the Clerk to obtain a quote for the plans from another architect. The location plan is also outstanding, and the Clerk has asked County Cllr. Pert if he can help to supply an updated location outline plan.
147/19). To receive the Clerk’s report and correspondence:-
The Council resolved to accept the Clerk’s report.
• Request from resident to send letter to local residents of Elford to deter fly tipping and littering. A resident has advised the Clerk that neighbours have been using the heath as a tipping point for excess garden waste and requested that the Council issue a letter to deter this activity. It was noted that residents near to Elford heath will need to be informed of upcoming works to the trees and pool, and this would be an opportunity to include both items in the same letter. The Council resolved for the Clerk to issue a letter to residents in the area detailing upcoming works and asking for their support in improving the area by not using it as a tipping ground.
148/19). Chairman’s Report:-
The Chair will be attending the Newport Civic Service on the 29th September, Stone Trafalgar Dinner on the 18th October and the AGM of Stafford and Rural Homes on the 19th September.
149/19). Accounts:-
Retrospective approval was granted for payment of the following accounts:-
Vaughtons, replacement green ribbon for Chain of office – Chairs allowance,
LGA 1972 ss. 15 (5) 41.06
Elan City Ltd, 2 Solar Speed indication devices and accessories – Localism Act 2011 ss. 1-8 (GPC) 4814.63
Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd – Supply, install, training and yr. 1 licence – LGA 1972 s.111 886.92
Trent Grounds Maintenance – completion of siding out works from Cross Butts to Wootton (£996) plus grass cutting for July – Open Space Act 1906 s.10 1365.30
Parton Agri-Plant Ltd – hedge cutting at Croxton/Elford – Open Space Act 1906 s.10 294.00
Mrs S. Worden – Eagle Street Art Application (SBC cheque voided to allow online payment) – Localism Act 2011 ss. 1-8 (GPC) 142.00
Community First Trading – Eccleshall Community Centre insurance – LGA 1972 s.145 1516.32
Society of Local Council Clerks – CertHE course deposit – LGA 1972 s.111 294.00
Mazars – Audit Fee – Accounts and Audit Regs. 2015 360.00
D&G Bus – Provision of No.14 morning service – GPC, Localism Act 2011 ss1-8 230.00
S. Worden – Salary – LGA 1972 s. 112 1177.53
Expenses – Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1963 93.32
PAYE – LGA (Financial Provisions) 1963 54.00
NHI – LGA (Financial Provisions )1963 173.96
Pension – LG Pensions Scheme Regs. 1995 423.55
G.C.S. Ltd – Installation of poles for Speed Indication devices – Localism Act 2011 ss. 1-8 (GPC) 5130.66
SLCC Cheshire, conference attendance – LGA 1972 s.111 30.00
Ingestre Woodworks, oak bench for Croxton – Open Space Act 1906 s.10 420.00
Mr. D. Wright – refurbishment of Parish Milestones – Localism Act 2011 ss. 1-8 (GPC) 1050.00
Mr R. Sheard – refurbishments and bench installation – Parish Council Act 1957 s.2* 150.00
D&G Bus – Provision of No.14 morning service – GPC, Localism Act 2011 ss1-8 210.00
Accounts for payment September 2019:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
S. Worden – Salary – LGA 1972 s. 112 1177.53
Expenses – Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1963 147.31
PAYE – LGA (Financial Provisions) 1963 54.00
NHI – LGA (Financial Provisions )1963 173.96
Pension LG Pensions Scheme Regs. 1995 423.55
Eccleshall Mercia Community Library CiC – GPC, Localism Act 2011 ss1-8 400.00
TGM Grass and hedge cutting – Open Space Act 1906 s10 498.90
Creative Colour n Copy – Freedom of Parish Certs – Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009 33.00
Chairman’s Allowance 2019/20 – LGA 1972 ss. 15 (5) 70.00
All were in favour and the cheques were signed.
The Council noted completion and accepted the external audit annual return for 2018/19 with no qualification, and all members had been circulated a copy of the completed audit documentation.
The Council resolved to approve a cost of £145 for a full-page entry in the 2020 Eccleshall Guide.
The Council reviewed the benefits of membership of Support Staffordshire, which included support with funding bids, and resolved to approve associate membership of Support Staffordshire at an annual cost of £25.
150/19). Items / Date and Venue for next meeting:-
The next full meeting of the Parish Council will be held on October 16th, 2019, Offley Hay Village Hall, 7.30pm. Items for addition were requested to be sent to the Clerk. There is also an additional meeting of the Council to be held on September 25th, 2019, at Eccleshall Parish Council, 7.30pm
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.20pm.
Planning committee Minutes
181/19). Present were:-
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor S. Mifflin
Councillor P. Mullee
Councillor S. Perren
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Stenning, Watson and Marshall. Councillor P. Edwards was absent.
182/19). Public Participation:- There were no members of the public present.
183/19). Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Sept 4th, 2019 – The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
184/19). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough/County Council:-
19/30908/HOU – Erection of detached garage. Brick Kiln Farm Blackwaters Road Offley Hay. Approved.
185/19). To note the amendment to feedback on 9/30307/HOU – Proposed rear garden room. The Parlour, Pershall Lane, Eccleshall. At the previous meeting the application was objected to under the consideration that extensions to barn conversions were not allowed under SBC planning policy. The Clerk was requested to confirm current policy, and SBC advised there was not a definitive policy statement that refused applications under these conditions. Based on this guidance, a submission of no objection was submitted, as there were no other concerns about the application. Cllr. Delanchy noted that in the past the Council have objected to extensions to barn conversions, and there is some ambiguity within the policy regarding this type of application. Bearing this in mind, the Council will consider future applications on a case by case basis and if agreed, continue to object on these terms.
186/19). Planning Applications for consideration:-
19/31084/FUL – Siting of a static caravan as a temporary dwelling unit for up to 2 years and siting of a staff welfare unit for a period up to 2 years during the construction of the new dwelling unit at Fledgling Farm. Fledgling Farm, Old Hall Lane, Mill Meece. There were no objections to this application.
19/31096/HOU – Proposed two storey part single storey extension to rear with alterations to first floor window to front elevation. 3 Browns Bridge, Slindon, Stafford. There were no objections to this application.
19/30645/REM – Amended Plans. Claremont Garage Stafford Road Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
19/30227/HOU – Amended Application. Burley Cottage, Clayalders Bank, Eccleshall. The Council continues to object to this application as the proposed extension exceeded 70% of the original dwelling, in accordance with Policy C5, (C) Extensions or Alterations of The Plan for Stafford Borough.
187/19). Any further applications for consideration:-
There were no further applications for consideration.
188/19). Any Other Planning Matters:-
Update regarding Health and Safety issue with the Balancing pond at Overton Manor:-
Following the request for Stafford Borough Council to consider the need for fencing of the balancing pond, and to undertake a health and safety assessment of the area, a response was received from the planning department. The Council has been advised that following a review of the planning history, none of the permissions have a specific condition which covers boundary treatments, so any fencing erected is at the discretion of the developer. As the Borough Council are not adopting the open space, it advises is it is not responsible for undertaking any risk assessments.
The Committee resolved for the Clerk to write to Taylor Wimpey to re-iterate its concerns and that any liability for incidents will lie with Taylor Wimpey, and to note the Council has advised the heath and safety issue with the area. The Clerk will also request for a risk assessment to be completed, confirmation that the surrounding planting scheme has been completed, and also to ask that the fence around the main play area be erected as a matter of urgency.
Cold Meece Garden Village Proposal:- The Clerk was asked to contact SBC planning to obtain any plans/information about the proposal that can be shared with the Council.
Appeal regarding Tree Preservation order:- Residents in St. Chad’s Road have been advised an appeal has been lodged against the recent tree preservation order for a number of trees located on land behind St. Chads Road.
A councillor noted they had been advised by another Parish Council that the War Memorial located at Cold Meece/Swynnerton falls within Eccleshall Parish. Members were unclear as to whether this was correct, and the Clerk will look into it.
189/19). Correspondence:-
No correspondence had been received.
190/19). Date and venue for next meeting:- October 2nd, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.55pm.