Parish Council Meeting
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council, to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 19th January 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre. This will be followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. To receive and note apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
3. Public Participation
4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on November 17th, 2021.
5. Co-option of Councillor to Town Ward vacancy
- Signing of Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Disclosable Pecuniary & Personal Interest Forms.
6. To receive any reports from Borough and County Councillors and police representatives.
7. Committee Updates:
Traffic Management:
- No updates to report
- To provide an update on the Borough Council bench to bench walks project.
- To provide an update on the Circular walks project.
- To receive and discuss community feedback regarding the outdoor gym proposal.
- To consider and approve the proposal and preferred contractor quotation to install outdoor gym equipment at Elford Heath, the Community Centre and Hartlands Road Jubilee playing field.
- To consider and approve costs for the additional information signage at the gym locations.
- To approve the quotation for rub down and repaint of the Cheshire railings at Elford, and associated costs.
- To approve the recommended course of action with regards to the watering contract for 2022/23
- Update on planting of WI tree on the Eyeswell open space
Policy and Resources:
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 1st December 2021.
- To consider and approve the recommended draft Budget for 2022/23
- To consider and approve the recommended Precept for 2022/23
- To approve the grant recommendation for Katharine House
- No updates to report.
8. To approve the updated Temporary Delegations Policy, to be implemented in the absence of physical meetings or legislation to allow virtual meetings.
9. To consider and approve the provision of the bimonthly Civic Amenity Service
10. To receive the Clerks Report, containing liaison representative updates.
11. Correspondence
- Resident correspondence regarding late night antisocial behaviour at Elford Heath car park and request to install lockable barriers.
- To receive the response from the Crown Surgery regarding potential Covid memorial locations and consideration of any alternatives.
- To note the postponement of the Geocaching event on the Jubilee field until April 2022
12. To receive the Chairman’s Report
13. Financial Matters:
· To accept the Financial report and bank reconciliation to end December 2021.
· To approve accounts for payment January 2022 and note the delegated payments made since the last meeting.
14. To request any future agenda items and confirm the date and venue for next meeting – 16th February 2022, Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm.
S.J. Worden, 13/1/2022
Minutes of the Meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council held on 19th JANUARY 2022
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council was held at Eccleshall Community Centre on 19th January 2022 at 7.30pm. This meeting was followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9.00pm.
The meeting opened with prayers
1/22). Present were:-
Councillor P. Jones (Chairman) Councillor L. Dale
Councillor R. Taylor Councillor J. Leather
Councillor G. Dale Councillor S. Perren
Councillor R. Langford Councillor A. Reid
Councillor S. Kean Councillor S. Mifflin
Mrs Stacey Worden (Clerk)
3 members of the public
PCSO Gareth Higgins
2/22.) Apologies were received from Councillors Wilkins, Amos, Delanchy, J. Jones and Borough and County Councillor J. Pert
3/22). To consider Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
There were no requests to receive, and no declarations of interest were made.
4/22). Public Participation:
A member of the public raised a number of points regarding the Community Centre. The resident observed that there were significant reserves within the balances, there had been no committee meetings for the last 2 years and was concerned about the lack of current association committee members. The resident also asked about the S.106 funding for the Community Centre and whether it was required due to the reserves currently held. However, it was noted that if this funding is ringfenced for the Community Centre only, whether this funding could be combined with Community centre funds to undertake a significant improvement for the benefit of the community. The resident also asked whether it would be appropriate for the Community Centre to be listed as a disclosable pecuniary interest for members who received a small honorarium for the work undertaken to support the running of the Centre.
It was advised that the funds held by the Community Centre are used for improvement works as required, including structural improvements that would otherwise fall to the Parish Council to fund. With regards to committee members, it was acknowledged that it has been difficult to find volunteers to fill the vacant posts, further hampered by Covid, to make a quorum for a meeting to be held. It was confirmed that the S.106 funding is a ringfenced contribution that can only be used towards sport provision within the centre according to the wording of the s.106 agreement.
Another resident requested the current status of the Eagle street art. This was advised to be awaiting the outcome of the Borough Council with regards to determining a suitable location. Due to retirement, the Council is now undertaking discussions with a new member of staff which has delayed progress. The resident also raised concerns about the expense of the outdoor gym equipment to the Council and whether it may be used excessively by personal trainers to the detriment of other users. A request was also made to not increase the precept for the upcoming year.
5/22). To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on November 17th, 2021.
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
6/22). Co-option of Councillor to Town Ward vacancy
The candidate was unable to attend this meeting, so the co-option was deferred until the February meeting.
7/22). To receive any reports from Borough and County Councillors and police representatives:
PCSO G. Higgins provided a verbal report. Updates included:
- There were a number of incidents reported within the parish between the 16th November and the 18th January, but none were of serious nature that needed to be highlighted. Incidents included 4 ASB’s (neighbour disputes), 6 transport issues, 2 suspicious activity (doorknockers) and 2 thefts.
Members noted there had been late night disturbances reported at Elford Heath, but these did not appear in the statistics. PCSO Higgins has made the policing team aware of these issues and the area will be included in patrols. It can often be later than a PCSO shift, but PC’s are also aware of the concerns. It was also noted that the thefts of garden ornaments in the Fair Oak/Broughton area do not appear in the statistics provided.
Borough Councillor P. Jones provided a verbal report. Updates included:
- A meeting with the planning officer regarding concerns over the residential planning application for the former Eagle car park.
- He ran a surgery on January and the next surgery date is on February 12th.
- P. Jones met with the Borough Council Chief Executive and discussed a number of topics, including the outstanding issue concerning a lack of response to the Parish Council request to take over Beech Road.
8/22). Committee Updates:
Traffic Management
There were no updates to report.
- Volunteers are undertaking assessment of walking routes in order to produce a circular walks booklet. These routes will be targeted as key areas for footpaths maintenance.
- The Borough Council bench to bench walks project is also ongoing. These are shorter walks with bench stops to support people just starting to get out and about or with decreased mobility.
- To consider and approve the proposal and preferred contractor quotation to install outdoor gym equipment at Elford Heath, the Community Centre and Hartlands Road Jubilee playing field. Members discussed the results of the survey – out of 158 respondents, 98 were in favour of the project, although not all of the 98 said they would use the equipment. Residents were given the opportunity to include additional comments and these were reviewed by the Council. A number of residents raised concerns regarding the suitability of Elford Heath as a proposed location. The equipment at that location was aimed towards a younger audience and some members were concerned it would reduce the options available to them should this be rejected.
After discussion, it was resolved to approve an amended proposal to move the pieces of equipment from Elford Heath and place them alongside the other pieces to be located at the Community Centre. It was also agreed to review the usage in twelve months’ time and to see if there is an argument to reconsider the site at Elford Heath.
Following on from the previous resolution, it was resolved to appoint Sunshine Gym as the supplier for the outdoor gym equipment, to install equipment as follows:
- Hartlands Road:
- Double Slalom Skier; Double Health Walker; Disabled Arm & Pedal Bike.
- Community Centre:
- Combi Pull Down Challenger & Power Push; Sky Stepper; Double Health Walker; Double Squat Push; Double Pull Up; Parallel Rails.
- It was resolved to approve Creative Copy n Colour as the supplier for the additional information signage at the gym locations.
- It was resolved to approve the quotation by Fresh Touch for the clean, rub down and repaint of the Cheshire railings at Elford, together with associated costs of trimming back vegetation and any required traffic management to ensure contractor safety.
- It was resolved to approach Stafford Borough Council to tender for the watering contract for 2022/23.
- The WI tree, a 15ft crab apple, was planted on the Eyeswell open space on the 4th
Policy and Resources:
- The minutes of the meeting held on the 1st December 2021 were noted.
- To consider and approve the recommended draft Budget for 2022/23. Members discussed the budget at length and considered whether any changes should be made. Potential reductions were raised and considered against concerns regarding potential impact of inflation and whether this would impact on planned council activities. It was resolved to approve the recommended budget of £116,008.00
- It was resolved to approve the recommended Precept for 2022/23 of £82,600. This was a 0% increase for the Parish Council and will result in an 1.6% decrease to residents due to the increased tax base. Outstanding funds from 2021/22 will be used to deliver the balance of the budget so that residents are not impacted.
- It was resolved to approve the grant of £1,000 for Katharine House.
- The Clerk has circulated a form to event organisers, to collate information for addition to the dedicated Platinum Jubilee website and inclusion in the planned programme.
- Member were asked to provide additional support for the events to be delivered by the Parish Council as the committee members will not be able to cover all of the activities planned.
- A mobile skate park has been sourced and booked.
9/22). To approve the updated Temporary Delegations Policy, to be implemented in the absence of physical meetings or legislation to allow virtual meetings.
It was resolved to approve the updated temporary delegations policy, which details the delegated actions that can be taken by the Clerk, in consultation with the Chair/Vice Chair. This can be automatically implemented in situations where government legislation prevents or advises that physical meetings should not take place.
10/22). To consider and approve the provision of the bimonthly Civic Amenity Service:
It was resolved to approve a bimonthly visit by the large items refuse vehicle at a cost of £146 per visit, starting in March. Dates will be scheduled by the Borough Council and advised in due course.
11/22). To receive the Clerk’s report, containing liaison representative updates.
The Clerks report was received by the Council.
12/22). Correspondence
- A resident had written with concerns regarding antisocial behaviour at Elford Heath car park, which was discussed earlier with PCSO Higgins. It was requested for the resident to keep a diary of the incidents which would help the police. The suggestion of a locked gate was considered but is not a feasible solution at this time as there is no-one who can ensure it is opened and closed every day.
- The Crown Surgery has responded regarding potential Covid memorial locations to confirm there is no suitable location on site. Other ideas included the rear of the library, but it was noted to be a shaded site and may be unsuitable. The Church is looking to plant a memorial tree and it was suggested that the Council placed a bench nearby to create a place to reflect. Cllr. P. Jones agreed to liaise with the church and feed back.
- The postponement of the Health and Wellbeing event on the Jubilee field until April 2022 was noted and a new date will be advised in due course.
- Members received the letter from Sir Bill Cash advising the outcome of the County Council review into the reinstatement of the Vacant seat scheme and noted their disappointment. The letter noted the plans to compare demand for the seats with existing commercial bus routes to see if operators can adapt services to help children not entitled to free transport to get to school. It was agreed to respond to Sir Bill to request his ongoing support to lobby for the necessary changes to these routes.
13/22). Chairman’s Report:-
The Chairman and Clerk had an informal meeting with the Chairman and Clerk of Yarnfield and Cold Meece Parish Council. It was a really useful conversation, and topics included the potential plans for the Meecebrook garden village. It was noted that as it has an impact on a number of Councils, it will be really useful to work together to address any issues that arise. It is hoped to meet again in the future.
The Chairman will be attending the Stone Parish Liaison meeting on the 26th January.
14/22). Financial Matters
To accept the Financial report and bank reconciliation to end December 2021:
It was resolved to accept the financial summary, which includes the bank reconciliation up to and including the 30th December 2021.
Payments made since the last full Council meeting were received and noted as follows:
Japhlin – Computer maintenance (monthly direct debit) | 46.35 | 9.27 | 55.62 |
Staffing Costs | 2,319.86 | 0.00 | 2,319.86 |
Office Expenses | 92.54 | 7.99 | 100.53 |
SLCC – Membership fee | 241.00 | 0.00 | 241.00 |
SPCA – Planning training | 30.00 | 0.00 | 30.00 |
SCC – new website cost and next year’s hosting fee | 975.00 | 0.00 | 975.00 |
A.G. Jones – speed sign rotation | 120.00 | 0.00 | 120.00 |
SLCC – Online conference (Feb 22) | 55.00 | 11.00 | 66.00 |
TGM – fp13, Jubilee Field hedge and annual tidy of Croxton play area | 644.75 | 128.95 | 773.70 |
Wicksteed Leisure Ltd – Annual inspection of Croxton Play area | 60.00 | 12.00 | 72.00 |
Paid by delegated Authority (Dec 2021) | |||
Rod Sheard – Asset refurbishments May-Nov 2021 | 325.00 | 0.00 | 325.00 |
A.S. Electrical Services – installation of Christmas Lights | 579.17 | 115.83 | 695.00 |
Traction Equipment – Cherry Picker Hire | 110.00 | 22.00 | 132.00 |
Creative Copy n Colour – Newsletters and carol sheets | 673.00 | 0.00 | 673.00 |
Graham Cole – Footpaths Maintenance | 80.00 | 0.00 | 80.00 |
To approve accounts for payment January 2021:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
Staffing Costs | 2,319.86 | 0.00 | 2,319.86 |
Office Expenses | 128.52 | 8.45 | 136.97 |
ICO Data Protection Fee (Direct Debit, 13th Jan 2022) | 35.00 | 0.00 | 35.00 |
Gallagher (formerly Came & Co.) – PC insurance | 1,223.31 | 0.00 | 1,223.31 |
A.G. Jones – SIDS movement (December) | 120.00 | 0.00 | 120.00 |
AS Electrical Services – removal of Christmas Lights | 270.84 | 54.16 | 325.00 |
Traction – Cherry Picker Hire | 100.00 | 20.00 | 120.00 |
Jacksons of Eccleshall – Grass cutting 2021 | 828.00 | 165.60 | 993.60 |
Stafford Brigades Youth Marching Band – Carols round the tree (Chairs allowance) | 150.00 | 0.00 | 150.00 |
Alex Tree Services – Ash tree, Shaws Lane Allotments | 2,300.00 | 0.00 | 2,300.00 |
A.G. Jones – SIDS movement (January) | 120.00 | 0.00 | 120.00 |
Nu Focus Education CIC (Rollback Skating) – deposit for mobile skatepark | 130.00 | 26.00 | 156.00 |
All were in favour and the cheques were signed accordingly.
15/22). Items / Date and Venue for next meeting:-
The next meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for 16th February, 2022, at Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm. Agenda items can be forwarded to the Clerk for consideration.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.00pm.