Parish Council Meeting
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council, to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20th September 2023 at Eccleshall Community Centre. This will be followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. To receive and note apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
3. Public Participation
4. Co-option of Councillor for vacancy in Slindon Ward
- Signing of Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Disclosable Pecuniary & Personal Interest Forms.
5. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on July 19th 2023
6. To receive any reports from Borough and County Councillors and police representatives
7. To consider any further requests by councillors or changes regarding committee and working group membership
8. Committee Updates:
Traffic Management:
- To note the undertaking of a parking survey by the parking working group between 1-30 October.
- To note any feedback from Highways meeting on 19th September
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2023
- To approve costs to purchase 14 bespoke numbered footpath discs for Bishop’s Wood.
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2023
- To approve the recommendation to purchase customised name plates and sealant for the BT boxes at Croxton and Fairoak
- To receive the updated plan for the Great Crested Newt project at Elford Heath
- To approve the recommendation to leave a small uncut meadow area adjacent to Elford Pool to improve habitat biodiversity
- To consider and approve cost for investigative work and jetting of feeder pipe into Elford Pool
- To update on the hedge cutting along the Newport Road and approve any actions to request residents to cut back outstanding hedges.
- To approve the quotation for cutting back of Ash and Holly trees on the Jubilee Playing Field, to include TPO application.
Policy and Resources:
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2023
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2023
9. Community Engagement – to receive the results of the preferred methods for improving community engagement and discuss next steps.
10. To receive the revised draft recommendations for division boundary consultation and consider if any further response required. Details available at:
11. Reminder about the October Community Forum – councillor support, display ideas and costs for marketing materials and refreshments.
12. To receive the Clerks Report, containing liaison representative updates.
13. Correspondence
- No correspondence was received by the date the agenda was issued
14. To receive the Chairman’s Report
15. Financial Matters:
- To accept the Financial report and bank reconciliation to 31st August 2023.
- To approve accounts for payment September 2023
- To receive the completed Annual Return for 2022-23, with no issues identified by the auditors. Click here to view completed return (Annual Return section).
16. To request any future agenda items and confirm the date and venue for next meeting of the Parish Council – October 18th, Offley Hay Village Hall, 7.30pm.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the council – 14/09/2023
Minutes of the Meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council held on 20th September 2023
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council was held at Eccleshall Community Centre on 20th September 2023 at 7.30pm. This meeting was followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee at 8.15pm.
129/23). Present were:-
Councillor R. Taylor (Chairman) Councillor S. Perren
Councillor D. Hall Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor Councillor D. Hill
Councillor B. Delanchy Councillor A. Reid
Councillor S. Mifflin Councillor L. Dale
Councillor S. Kean Councillor G. Dale
Councillor R Langford
Mrs Stacey Worden (Clerk)
One member of the public
130/23.) Apologies were received from Cllr. Jones and Borough and County Councillor Pert.
131/23). To consider Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
There were no requests to receive, and no declarations of interest were made.
132/23). Public Participation:
There was no public participation.
133/23). Co-option of Councillor to Slindon Ward vacancy
There were no applications for the vacancy, which will be deferred to the next meeting on the 18th October.
134/23). To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on July 19th 2023.
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
135/23). Report from the Borough Councillor, County Councillor, and police representatives
There were no reports received.
136/23). To consider any requests by councillors regarding addition to committee and working group membership:
It was resolved to add Cllr. Peter Jones to the Events committee membership.
137/23). Committee Updates:
Traffic Management:
- Members noted the parking survey to be undertaken by the Parking Working Group in the town centre between 1st and 30th It will be distributed to businesses in the High Street and completed by their visitors. The questions will determine if they found it hard to park in their desired location and the time of day. This will help to define the scope of the issue. It was noted that future surveys could ask whether the vehicle used is electric or petrol/diesel. A QR code has also been put on posters and will be advertised on social media, aiming to capture people who may not have been able to park at all.
- Members noted receipt of the meeting notes between council representatives and Highways on Tuesday 19th September, which will be discussed in full at the next committee meeting.
- Members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2023
- It was resolved to approve the purchase of 14 bespoke numbered footpath discs for Bishop’s Wood at a cost of £145 plus VAT.
- The Council’s footpaths operative was thanked for his efficiency, responsiveness and excellent work quality in relation to the ongoing work to keep key footpaths clear and accessible.
- It was also noted that over the last twelve months the committee has produced two new sets of footpaths walk brochures which are proving to be very popular.
- Members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 16th August 2023
- It was resolved to approve the quotation of £100 plus VAT to purchase customised name plates and sealant at a cost of £8.
- Members received the updated plan for the Great Crested Newt project at Elford Heath with no questions raised. Members were keen to obtain a start date for the project.
- It was resolved to approve the recommendation to leave a small uncut area meadow area adjacent to the pool at Elford Heath to improve habitat diversity.
- It was resolved to approve the quotation of £200 plus VAT for investigative work and jetting of the water runoff pipe that leads into Elford pool.
- It was resolved to approve the action to write to the relevant residents to request cutting back of hedges that are encroaching onto the Newport Road pavement. The Clerk has spoken to the landowner of the field further up the road to cut back their piece of encroaching hedge and this will be progressed.
- It was resolved to approve required tree works to the Ash and Holly Tree on the Jubilee Playing Field at a cost of £640 plus VAT, to include the relevant TPO application.
Policy and Resources:
- Members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2023
- Members noted the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September 2023
138/23). Community Engagement – to consider the results of the councillor survey for preferred methods for improving engagement and next steps:
The top three favoured options were:
- Meet your councillor sessions: Weekday evenings were trialled previously and were not successful. It was noted that the Saturday Borough Councillor sessions are also not a popular time slot for good attendance.
- Stall at the Eccleshall Show: Whilst a similar idea to the forum, it may reach a wider audience who are already in attendance at the show. There would be costs to cover one off stall display materials, current marketing materials and will need to be covered by a number of councillors throughout the day. This will be considered further in the spring and could also apply to the 2024 Street Market.
- Notices in key areas around town: It was noted that the Council does already undertake this.
- Taylor suggested that proactive engagement with local groups may work well, with councillors attending meetings of local groups to provide the opportunity for them to feed back with their aspirations for the parish. Groups could be approached at the upcoming forum for their thoughts.
139/23). Reminder about the October Community Forum – councillor support, display ideas and costs for marketing materials and refreshments.
This item was brought forward for discussion from the original agenda order.
All members were asked to attend to support the event. Cllr. Kean tended his apologies.
Additional bookings were put forward for Eccleshall Flood Action group, Geocaching and Youth Enterprise Project, taking the group table bookings up to 21. The Jubilee Room will be used to serve refreshments including cake and biscuits. Committee Chairmen were asked to advise the Clerk as to their display/handout requirements. Members will receive name badges, if not retained from the last forum.
It was resolved to approve the cost of £366 for printing and delivery of A5 flyers to advertise the forum to residents. Cllr. Reid will distribute some flyers in Slindon and there will be stock available to put out in Croxton.
140/23). To receive the revised draft recommendations for division boundary consultation and consider if any further response required:
Members noted the revised proposals, which had incorporated the changes submitted by the Council. It was resolved to respond to confirm agreement with the changes and that no further changes are required.
141/23). Clerk’s report, containing liaison representative updates.
The report was received and noted.
The next allotments meeting is scheduled for November 27th.
The Croxton telephone box is already being well used as a book exchange by residents.
142/23). Correspondence
- No correspondence has been received.
143/23). Chairman’s Report:-
- The Clerk is still chasing Stafford Borough Council for an update on the possibility of taking over Beech Road play area.
- Taylor and Wilkins are working on an update to the information board along the Eyeswells.
- Vistry are still being chased with regards to a possible location for the Eagle.
- The Wells Dairy concern with the unsafe reversing of 6 wheeler lorries across the Stone Road appears to have been resolved. Recent deliveries are only using the smaller lorries which can access the yard directly.
- A bin on Hartlands Road, which has been regularly overflowing with rubbish, has now been swapped for a larger bin.
144/23). Financial Matters
- To accept the Financial report and bank reconciliation to 31st August 2023:
It was resolved to accept the financial summary, which includes the bank reconciliation up to and including 31st August 2023.
Payments made since the last full Council meeting were received and noted as follows:
£ | |||
ITEM | COST | (if applicable) | EXPENSE |
Regular monthly payment (Standing Orders/Direct Debits): | |||
Japhlin – maintenance contract | 36.66 | 7.69 | 46.14 |
Paid since the last meeting: | |||
Creative Copy n Colour – newsletter printing | 589.00 | 0.00 | 589.00 |
Staffing Costs | 2,283.84 | 0.00 | 2,283.84 |
Staffing Expenses (BACS £30.15), balance s/o) | 94.04 | 7.58 | 101.62 |
SPCA – new councillor training | 30.00 | 6.00 | 36.00 |
Mr. Graham Cole – Footpaths Maintenance | 148.50 | 0.00 | 148.50 |
SLCC – conference booking | 370.00 | 58.00 | 428.00 |
Peter Thompson – Newsletter delivery | 250.00 | 0.00 | 250.00 |
Talbot’s Contracting – Elford and Allotments Hedge Cutting | 210.00 | 42.00 | 252.00 |
Mifflin and Dean – works at Croxton Play area | 565.00 | 113.00 | 678.00 |
Creative Copy n Colour – Circular Walks Brochures | 460.00 | 0.00 | 460.00 |
Trent Grounds Maintenance – grounds maintenance July | 316.00 | 63.20 | 379.20 |
HAGS – Operational playground inspection | 70.00 | 14.00 | 84.00 |
Graham Cole – Footpaths Maintenance | 127.50 | 0.00 | 127.50 |
Parish Online (Geoxsphere Ltd) – mapping system subscription | 200.00 | 40.00 | 240.00 |
Rod Sheard – asset maintenance | 428.00 | 0.00 | 428.00 |
Viking Office UK – office consumables | 106.90 | 21.38 | 128.28 |
A.G. Jones – SIDS Movement | 120.00 | 0.00 | 120.00 |
Mazars – Audit Fees | 420.00 | 84.00 | 504.00 |
William Arblaster – Elford Heath car park | 2,300.00 | 460.00 | 2,760.00 |
- To approve accounts for payment September 2023:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:
ITEM | COST | (if applicable) | EXPENSE |
Staffing Costs | 2,283.84 | 0.00 | 2,283.84 |
Staffing Expenses (BACS £30.39), balance s/o) | 93.55 | 8.31 | 101.86 |
Stone Town Council – Trafalgar Dinner (Chair’s allowance) | 70.00 | 0.00 | 70.00 |
Eccleshall Guide entry | 160.00 | 0.00 | 160.00 |
Cllr R. Taylor – reimbursement for SBC Ladies Charity Lunch (Chair’s allowance) | 20.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 |
Trent Grounds Maintenance – Grounds Maintenance | 423.00 | 84.60 | 507.60 |
Perry’s of Eccleshall – Watering contract | 7,700.00 | 962.50 | 8,662.50 |
Staffordshire County Council – s.50 application fee (Croxton SID) | 378.00 | 0.00 | 378.00 |
Mr A G Jones – movement of SIDS | 90.00 | 0.00 | 90.00 |
Creative Copy n Colour – parking survey printed materials | 70.00 | 0.00 | 70.00 |
All were in favour and the accounts will be paid accordingly.
- Members formally received the completed Annual Return for 2022-23, with no issues identified by the auditors.
145/23). Items / Date and Venue for next meeting:-
The next meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for 18th October, Offley Hay Village Hall at 7.30pm. Agenda items can be forwarded to the Clerk for consideration.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.10pm.