Parish Council Meeting
You are summoned to attend a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council, to be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20th November 2024 at Eccleshall Community Centre. This will be followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1. To receive and note apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda
3. Public Participation
4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on October 16th 2024
5. Discussion with the headteacher at Bishops Lonsdale Academy, in relation to parking and traffic problems at peak times by the school
6. To receive any reports from Borough and County Councillors and police representatives
7. Committee Updates:
Traffic Management:
- To receive the meeting notes from the Highways liaison meeting on 13th November 2024
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th November 2024
- To consider a quote for remedial works to an Ash Tree on the Eyeswell open space
- To consider any quotes for remedial works to trees on Jubilee Playing Fields
Policy and Resources:
- No updates to report
- To note the minutes of the meeting held on the 6th November 2024
- To receive the initial plans for a VE Day 80 event on the 8th May 2025
8. To consider and adopt the Parish Council Safeguarding Policy, to include approval of nominated Councillor to undertake the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead.
9. To receive an update from the Eccleshall Community Centre Association
10. Beech Road – to receive feedback on the working group meeting, proposed public consultation and progression of the lease agreement.
11. To resolve a response to the consultation to enable remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings –
12. To receive the Clerks Report, containing liaison representative updates
13. Correspondence
- No correspondence has been received by the date the agenda was issued
14. To receive the Chairman’s Report
15. Financial Matters:
- To accept the Financial report and bank reconciliation to 31st October 2024.
- To approve accounts for payment November 2024
16. To pass a resolution in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1 to exclude the public and press for discussion of confidential matters relating to staffing:
- To receive any recommendations from the staffing committee and resolve to approve any proposed course of action in relation to the Clerks working hours and resource to support the activities of the council.
- To note the agreed annual NJC National Salary award for the Clerk, backdated to 1st April 2024
17. To approve delegation to the Clerk for dealing with items of emergency and payment of accounts until the next Parish Council meeting in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, in line with the temporary delegations policy
18. To request any future agenda items and confirm the date and venue for the next meeting of the Parish Council – January 22nd 2025, Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the council – 14/11/2024
Minutes of the Meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council held on 20th NOVEMBER 2024
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council was held at Eccleshall Community Centre on 20th November 2024 at 7.30pm. This meeting was followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee at 9.15pm.
149/24). Present were:-
Councillor R. Taylor (Chairman) Councillor G. Dale
Councillor A. Reid Councillor R Langford
Councillor B. Delanchy Councillor D. Hill
Councillor D. Feneysey Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor
Councillor M. Gosling (from 7.40pm) Councillor S. Mifflin
Councillor D. Hall Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor S. Kean
Mrs Stacey Worden (Clerk)
Three members of the public
150/24). Apologies were received from Cllrs. Perren, Jones and Borough and County Councillor Pert.
151/24). To consider Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda.
There were no requests to receive, and no declarations of interest were made.
152/24). Public Participation:
There was no public participation.
153/24). To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th October 2024.
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
154/24). Discussion with the headteacher at Bishops Lonsdale Academy, in relation to parking and traffic problems at peak times by the school.
Mrs Claire Jones was in attendance to share her concerns about the parking and traffic issues at drop off and pick up times at the school. Issues include parking in restricted areas, on verges and obstructing access to Overton Manor and resident driveways. Mrs. Jones shared the initiatives she has taken to try and improve the situation, including encouraging parents to report poor parking by adding a QR code (to the enforcement online website) to the school newsletter, promoting the health benefits of walking to school, encouraging walking to school as part of new parent presentations, writing to the PCSO’s to request attendance in peak hours. It was noted that the traffic patrol warden is operating in accordance with SCC procedures and not exacerbating any traffic flow problems. Drop off times have been extended to try and ease congestion.
(Councillor Gosling joined the meeting at this point.)
The kiddie parking signs were having some impact in preventing parking on the corner but have disappeared.
Discussion points included further reporting and requests for enforcement officers to attend; whether the community centre car parking is being used to full capacity; whether police no parking cones be used to deter illegal parking and if there any opportunities for using nearby land for car parking.
The council will support the school where possible and will promote any campaigns. It was resolved to approve to purchase a replacement kiddie safety sign. This was delegated to the clerk, in conjunction with the Chairman, with a budget of up to £400. Work will be ongoing to try and improve the situation.
155/24). Report from the Borough Councillor, County Councillor, and police representatives:
There were no reports to receive
156/24). Committee Updates:
Traffic Management:
- The meeting notes from the Highways liaison meeting on 13th November 2024 were received and noted. The Clerk is awaiting responses from the Highways Officer on her actions.
- No updates to report
- It was resolved to approve the quote for remedial works to an Ash Tree on the Eyeswell open space at a cost of £350 plus VAT.
- A resident is concerned about the size of trees adjacent to her property that are located on Hartlands Road/Jubilee Playing Field. Part of the land where the trees are located is owned by Stafford Borough Council, and it was agreed that no decision on remedial works could be taken until ownership of the respective trees is confirmed by the Borough Council. The Clerk will report back when this has been resolved and provide the relevant quotes for consideration.
Policy and Resources:
- There were no updates to report
- It is proposed to run a VE Day 80th anniversary event on Thursday 8th May – a fish and chip supper following by a beacon lighting ceremony. The venue is to be confirmed and the working group will be meeting in December to make further plans.
- Croxton Well Dressing will have a VE Day theme as well as the 60th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill. Pupils from Walton Hall Academy will be helping to create the designs.
- Eccleshall Community Lounge will be holding an afternoon tea on that date.
- The Parish Council Christmas tree will be decorated next week for inclusion in the Holy Trinity Christmas Tree Festival.
157/24). To consider and adopt the Parish Council Safeguarding Policy, to include approval of nominated Councillor to undertake the role of Designated Safeguarding Lead.
It was resolved to adopt both the Adult and Child Safeguarding Policies and to nominate Cllr. Feneysey as the designated lead for the council. A separate lead will be nominated for the Community Library.
Members suggested that it would be appropriate for all councillors to undertake an online safeguarding course to ensure they have a clear understanding of the subject. The Clerk will research courses and costs for consideration.
158/24). Eccleshall Community Centre Association update
The Community Centre was purchased in 1993 by the Parish Council, and is run by a separate Community Centre Association, of which Cllr. Dale has been chairman throughout. There have been many improvements undertaken by the Association over the years which has ensured the centre has remained fit for purpose and continues to be an appealing venue for hirers.
The council was advised that Cllr. Dale and Mrs. Libby Dale will be stepping down from their roles as Chairman and Bookings Clerk in two years. In the meantime, the Association will endeavour to recruit replacements for the roles, which also includes a Secretary and a Treasurer. A full handover will be given. The council was also advised to consider the feasibility of taking over the running of the centre.
It was resolved to appoint a working group consisting of Cllrs. Dale, Delanchy, Hall, Hill, Ryan-Bloor and Taylor to give this full consideration, with a plan to meet in January.
159/24). Beech Road – to receive feedback on the working group meeting, proposed public consultation and progression of the lease agreement.
The working group met on the 13th November and a representative from Kompan was in attendance to support the discussion on proposed minor amendments. The group agreed that the only changes would be a slight shift down of the quiet seating area to offset it from the main play park, replacement of the small net swing with a larger version, and to increase the size of the trampoline. Following receipt of the amended designs, a public drop-in session is planned for the 10th December between 3 and 6.30pm to display the plans and provide the opportunity for the public to ask questions. Kompan and council members will be in attendance.
160/24). To resolve a response to the consultation to enable remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has issued a consultation to obtain the views of all local authority representatives as well as members of the public with regards to the introduction of legislation that allows remote meeting attendance and/or proxy voting. The consultation also aims to determine if there is interest, whether there should be conditions on when this should be allowed. There was a healthy debate on the proposal, and it was clear there were a number of valid but differing views from members. It was resolved that due to a lack of consensus of opinion, responses would be submitted from individual councillors but the council as a corporate body will not.
161/24). Clerk’s report, containing liaison representative updates.
- The report was noted with no additional comments.
162/24). Correspondence
- It was noted that there was a positive feedback from BT in response to the council’s request to improve the mobile phone signal in Eccleshall. The council has been advised that ‘the plan is to complete this before the summer festival as long as all our deliverables go as planned.’
163/24). Chairman’s Report:-
- Taylor attended the Trafalgar Dinner, hosted by Stone Town Council and will be attending their Carol Service in December.
- Taylor will also be attending the Drake Hall Carol Service.
164/24). Financial Matters
- To accept the financial report and bank reconciliation to 31st October 2024:
It was resolved to accept the financial summary, which includes the bank reconciliation up to and including 31st October 2024.
Payments made since the last full Council meeting were received and noted as follows:
£ | |||
ITEM | COST | (if applicable) | EXPENSE |
Regular monthly payment (Standing Orders/Direct Debits): | |||
Japhlin – maintenance contract | 40.85 | 8.17 | 49.02 |
Paid since the last meeting: | |||
Encashment Cheque (library Petty Cash top up) | 49.01 | 0.00 | 49.01 |
Glasdon – replacement bench – Southlands estate | 631.77 | 126.35 | 758.12 |
Wicksteed – Bin liner for Croxton play area | 131.29 | 26.26 | 157.55 |
A.G. Jones – SIDS movement | 60.00 | 0.00 | 60.00 |
Perrys of Eccleshall – Watering contract (to include 2 extra weeks) | 8,842.50 | 0.00 | 8,842.50 |
G-Tec Grounds maintenance – Lengthsman Scheme | 100.00 | 20.00 | 120.00 |
Gill Allsop – reimbursement of materials for Library window display | 25.00 | 0.00 | 25.00 |
Cartridge People – new toner cartridge | 45.75 | 9.15 | 54.90 |
Holy Trinity – Christmas Tree for Eccleshall Library | 38.00 | 0.00 | 38.00 |
- To approve accounts for payment November 2024:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:
ITEM | COST | (if applicable) | EXPENSE |
Staffing Costs | 3,433.97 | 0.00 | 3,433.97 |
Staff Expenses (BACS £95.47), balance s/o) | 137.28 | 18.59 | 155.87 |
Trent Grounds Maintenance – October grounds maintenance | 304.50 | 60.90 | 365.40 |
Ven-A-S Contractors – hedge cutting (Croxton 14 July) | 100.00 | 20.00 | 120.00 |
SLCC – Clerks Membership Fee | 295.00 | 0.00 | 295.00 |
Royal British Legion – Poppy Appeal Donation | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
e.on – Croxton lighting | 256.69 | 51.34 | 308.03 |
Creative Copy – Winter newsletters | 558.00 | 0.00 | 558.00 |
KBS Depot – Dog waste bag dispenser | 191.00 | 38.20 | 229.20 |
Gill Allsop – reimbursement for Christmas tree decorations | 24.98 | 0.00 | 24.98 |
Peter Thompson – Delivery of Parish Newsletters | 264.00 | 0.00 | 264.00 |
All were in favour and the accounts will be paid accordingly. Cllrs. Taylor and Reid will process the approvals.
The council received a request from Eccleshall First Responders to transfer the grant award of £500 from the purchase of a new defibrillator to support the purchase of a replacement defibrillator by the Little George. There has been a lack of interest in raising the remaining monies for the defib at Overton Manor. It was resolved to approve this course of action.
165/24). It was resolved to pass a resolution in accordance with Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 s.1 to exclude the public and press for discussion of confidential matters relating to staffing:
- It was resolved to approve the recommendation from the staffing committee to increase the Clerks working hours by a further 1.5 hours a week to provide additional resource to support the work of the council.
- The agreed annual NJC National Salary award for the Clerk, backdated to 1st April 2024 was noted.
165/24). To resolve delegation to the Clerk for dealing with items of emergency and payment of accounts until the next Parish Council meeting in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman, in line with the temporary delegation policy
This course of action was resolved.
166/24). Items / Date and Venue for next meeting:-
The next meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for the 22nd January 2025, Eccleshall Community Centre, at 7.30pm. Agenda items can be forwarded to the Clerk for consideration.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm.