Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday April 7th, 2021 at 7.30pm, via Zoom online meeting, following a meeting of the Footpaths committee.
Join via the Internet by going to: Meeting link
Meeting ID: 896 5407 0303 and Password: 465582
Alternatively join by telephone by dialling 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240.
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation (residents are asked to contact the Clerk in advance if they wish to speak, to assist in the online meeting administration).
3. To approve the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on March 17th, 2021
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
5. Planning Applications for consideration (link to the application is within the reference number):-
21/33873/FUL – Existing single storey office block to be divided into B1-B8 units, new roof and cladding installed. Part demolition of existing structure and new portal frame B1-B8 unit erected. Unit 25 Cold Store Area Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Swynnerton Road Sturbridge.
6. Any Further Applications for Consideration.
7. Any Other Planning Matters
To discuss the current procedure and timeline of Stafford Borough Council for planning application consultation and consider best process for supporting resident concerns in responding to applications.
8. Correspondence
To receive notice of the planning appeal outcome by developers regarding 19/31613/OUT, land east of Castle Street.
To receive notice and consider any need for further information in respect of planned works by Network Plus (awarded by WPD) to complete 33kV cable installation from Meaford to Eccleshall which will include road closures (due to commence late April).
9. Accounts for payment
10. Date and venue for next meeting:
April 21st , 2021, online via Zoom at 7.30pm, after the Parish Council meeting.
Diary dates:-
Annual Parish (public) meeting – April 28th 2021, 7.30pm online via Zoom
Annual Parish Council meeting – May 5th 2021, 7.30pm online via Zoom
58/21). Present were:-
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor S. Mifflin
Councillor G. Dale
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor S. Perren
Councillor P. Stenning
Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor S. Kean
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor A. Reid
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor R. Langford
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Two members of the public
No apologies were received.
59/21). Public Participation:-
There was no public participation.
60/21). Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on March 17th, 2021:-
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and will be signed at the next available opportunity.
61/21). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
20/32915/FUL – Erection of a silage clamp. Old House Farm Kempsage Lane Garmelow. Approved.
20/32903/FUL – The erection of a milking parlour and dairy with bulk milk tank within, and associated works. Old House Farm Kempsage Lane Garmelow. Approved.
19/31006/FUL – Installation of Eagle Street Art to the verge adjacent to Sancerre Grange development. Roadside Verge Adjacent To 20/22 Stafford Road
Eccleshall. Application Withdrawn.
21/33673/HOU – Rear single storey extension to replace conservatory along with small front porch extension. 14 Bishops Court Eccleshall Stafford. Approved.
20/32914/FUL – The erection of a cubicle shed for dairy cattle. Old House Farm Kempsage Lane Garmelow. Approved.
21/33948/HOU – Proposed two storey extension and single storey orangery extension to rear, external and internal alterations; proposed detached oak framed
garage and alterations to existing access and parking area. Prospect Farm Sytch Lane Slindon. Approved.
62/21). Planning Applications for consideration:-
21/33873/FUL – Existing single storey office block to be divided into B1-B8 units, new roof and cladding installed. Part demolition of existing structure and new portal frame B1-B8 unit erected. Unit 25 Cold Store Area Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Swynnerton Road Sturbridge.
There were no objections to this application.
63/21). Any further applications for consideration:-
There were no further applications for consideration.
64/21). Any Other Planning Matters:-
To discuss the current procedure and timeline of Stafford Borough Council for planning application consultation and consider best process for supporting resident concerns in responding to applications.
The discussion considered two issues:
- The legislative framework for material considerations that guides the feedback given to the Borough Council planning department for consideration in their assessment of the application does not always allow the opportunity for the Parish Council to respond in support of resident concerns. Some members felt that the Parish Council should not be constrained by responding to material considerations and it was important to support concerns of residents who attend meetings to request support. Others noted that officers are only required to take material considerations into account and will disregard feedback that is not legally relevant (in line with the National Planning Policy Framework). Parish responses need to be relevant and professional. Caution also needs to be exercised when considering resident opinion, to ensure this is a true representation of the majority opinion.
It was resolved to continue to respond to applications using the material considerations criteria, but on a case by case basis, consider whether an addendum statement to draw attention to other issues would be appropriate in order to support residents.
- Concerns of potential flaws in the Borough Council consultation process that meant residents were not informed of applications relevant to their immediate vicinity and recent examples of resident consultation occurring after the Parish Council has submitted a response, so it was unable to take resident responses into account. SBC has advised that legislation states it ‘must either notify adjacent properties or display a site notice although a site notice may not be relevant for certain applications. As a Council we look to do both in the majority of instances although the legislation notes one or the other.’ SBC also noted it issued a weekly applications sheet which is on their website and circulated to Parish Councils. Members commented it was unlikely residents would check the lists without reason. It was resolved to publish the validated applications sheet on the Parish Facebook page to improve visibility.
65/21). Correspondence:-
To receive notice of the planning appeal outcome by developers regarding 19/31613/OUT, land east of Castle Street:
The appeal decision has overturned the refusal of planning permission by SBC, and outline application has been granted for the development, with conditions. The siting of the balancing pond remains outside the settlement boundary. This was despite a large evidence base of relevant issues with the application. The committee resolved the following action to be undertaken:
To write a letter to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, protesting against the appeal decision in this case, and expressing its grave concern about how current planning policy and decision-making processes are undermining the confidence of communities in their local government authorities, and giving so little consideration to community views and concerns in decision-making with respect to planning decisions affecting their communities. That Sir Bill Cash MP, Stafford Borough Council, Staffordshire County Council, NALC and nearby Town and Parish Councils be copied into this letter.
It was agreed that the letter will be drafted by Cllr. Stenning, in conjunction with the Clerk, and will detail many concerns relating to the development, the decision making process and impact on local democracy. Any other relevant authorities will also be provided with a copy.
To receive notice and consider any need for further information in respect of planned works by Network Plus (awarded by WPD) to complete 33kV cable installation from Meaford to Eccleshall which will include road closures (due to commence late April).
Queries were raised whether the potential road closures would coincide with upcoming drainage works on the Stone Road, expected to commence from early May until mid June. Cllr. Delanchy agreed to find out more information and provide feedback to relevant contractors and the committee.
Note receipt of resident correspondence regarding the Offley Brook telecommunications mast: A resident has written to the committee to note their strong support for the proposed telecommunications mast, advising it would be invaluable in providing local connectivity as well as supporting the emergency services network. The letter was circulated to all members prior to the meeting and formally noted.
Response from Vistry regarding Sancerre Grange: Following health and safety concerns raised by the Parish Council regarding the ditch to the rear of the site, Vistry has agreed to install a knee rail fence as a physical demarcation. This will run parallel to the swale located within the public open space and then return to the hedge line at either end. Following concerns about the current condition of the open space at Badgers Croft, Vistry are awaiting the final quotations for landscaping work to the area and hope to provide further information w/e 16th April.
66/21). Accounts for payment:
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
Retrospective cheque approval (expenditure previously approved):
Stafford Borough Council – supply and install toddler seat | 144.00 |
Royal British Legion industries – 7 x Tommy Silhouettes | 1,250.00 |
Cheques for approval:
Mr. Graham Cole – footpaths maintenance | 156.25 |
Mr. A. G. Jones – SIDs movement | 100.00 |
SPCA – annual subscription | 560.00 |
SLCC – CertHE course fees, 1st instalment | 1470.00 |
Mr. Gordon Dale – Helping Hand voucher reimbursement | 150.00 |
All were in favour and the cheques will be signed accordingly.
67/21). Date and venue for next meeting:
April 21st, 2021, Via Zoom online meeting, after the Parish Council meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.35pm