Planning Committee Meeting
1. Apologies
2. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman
3. Public Participation.
4. To confirm minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on May 1st, 2019
5. Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough Council
6. Planning Applications for consideration
• No applications have been received at the time the agenda was printed.
7. Any further applications for consideration
8. Any Other Planning Matters
9. Correspondence
10. Date and venue for next meeting:- June 5th, 2019 Eccleshall Community Centre 7.30pm.
100/19). Present were:-
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor C. Marshall
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor P. Edwards
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor P. Stenning
Councillor M. Watson
Councillor R. Taylor
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor J. Jones.
101/19). Election of Chair and Vice-Chair:- Councillor P. Jones took the Chair and requested nominations for Chairman of the Planning Committee. Councillor Delanchy was nominated and re-elected for the ensuing year.
Councillor Delanchy requested nominations for Vice-Chairman of the Committee and Councillor Chris Marshall was nominated and duly re-elected.
102/19). Public Participation:- There were two members of the public present who did not wish to speak.
103/19). Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on May 1st, 2019 – The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
104/19). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough/County Council:-
19/30184/FUL – To change use of agricultural building to a residential (class C3) plant room
housing 2 heat pumps storage vessels plus other ancillary equipment, being part of a ground source heat pump system to provide space heating and domestic hot water to 2 adjacent barn conversions. In conjunction with 19/30185/LBC. Aspley House Farm Aspley Lane Slindon. Approved.
19/30166/COU – Change of use from ‘Slimming Aids’ shop (Sui Generis) to Nail and Beauty Salon (Sui Generis). 7 Selwyn Court Castle Street Eccleshall. Approved.
19/29853/HAZ Application for Hazardous Substance Consent for storage of 199 tonnes of E1 and 480 tonnes of E2 substances in proposed Unit 2. Land Adjacent Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Swynnerton Road Sturbridge. Approved.
18/29719/FUL – Erection of permanent dwelling as Manager Accommodation and polytunnel fish hatchery. Heron Brook Fisheries Slindon Road Slindon. Approved
105/19). Planning Applications for consideration:-
No applications were received at the date the agenda was issued.
106/19). Any further applications for consideration:-
19/30264/COU – Conversion of telephone exchange to day room and change of use (sui generis) to gypsy and Traveller site (C3). Former Telephone Exchange, Badnall Wharf, Coldmeece. The committee resolved to object to the application on the following grounds:
A previous application 18/28413/FUL received an objection from Highways which stated that the application should be refused for the following reasons:-
• The proposed development fails to make adequate provision for the turning of vehicles within the site curtilage resulting in the increase in the likelihood of highway danger due to drivers having to manoeuvre into Swynnerton Road.
As a result of this objection the extension was removed from the revised drawing which was then approved.
The planned location of the caravans in this application would be sited within the required turning circle area, therefore the initial highways objection stands. This objection was also supported by the Parish Council on the initial application and stands.
• There is still insufficient information to ascertain where foul water will be disposed of on the application.
• The Parish Council wish to note that the national and local policies referring to traveller sites, as noted in the design and access statement, should not be used to allow development when other objections are valid.
19/30530/HOU – Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of a two storey extension to form lounge and bedroom. Johnson Home Farm, Glebe Close, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
107/19). Any Other Planning Matters:-
Street Names for development North of the Burgage:- The Borough Council had contacted the Council to obtain feedback on potential street names for the new development. Unfortunately the deadline of the 16th has meant there is not allowed members time to fully consider the options. After discussion, the committee resolved to put forward the suggestion of ‘Burgage Fields’ for consideration.
108/19). Correspondence:-
No correspondence has been received.
109/19). Date and venue for next meeting:- June 5th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.50pm.