Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday May 1st, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.30pm.
- Apologies
- Public Participation
- To approve the minutes of Planning Meeting held on April 17th, 2019
- To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
- Planning Applications for consideration:-
19/30369/HOU – Proposed demolition of existing outbuilding, porch bedroom/en-suite, kitchen extension and detached garage. Holly Cottage, Eccleshall Road, Sugnall.
19/30405/HOU – Proposed Summer House. Rowan Cottage, Langot Lane, Fair Oak.
- Any Further Applications for Consideration.
- Any Other Planning Matters
- The Eagle Sculpture update
- New & proposed Developments
- Correspondence
- Accounts for payment
- Date and venue for next meeting – May 15th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre
88/19). Present were: –
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor P. Baskerville
Councillor G. Garner;
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor P. Alcock
Councillor C. Marshall
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor L. Dale
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Mullee and Edwards. Councillor Jacques was absent.
89/19). Public Participation: – There were no members of the public present.
90/19). To confirm the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on April 17th, 2019:- The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
91/19). Planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
19/30114/HOU – Two storey front, side and rear extension. The Dale Fairoak Bank,
Fairoak. Refused.
92/19). Planning Applications for Consideration:-
19/30369/HOU – Proposed demolition of existing outbuilding, porch bedroom/en-suite, kitchen extension and detached garage. Holly Cottage, Eccleshall Road, Sugnall. There were no objections to this application.
19/30405/HOU – Proposed Summer House. Rowan Cottage, Langot Lane, Fair Oak. There were no objections to this application.
93/19). Any Further Applications for consideration:-
19/30372/HOU – Side extension above existing garage to create additional bedroom and internal alterations. Red Oaks, Southwell Estate, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
94/19). Any Other Planning Matters:-
• The Clerk had not received a response from Taylor Wimpey regarding the request by the Parish Council to install chicane fencing at the St. Chads Road walk through to slow down cyclists/other pedestrians exiting onto the road. Highways have acknowledged the request but have not provided any feedback to date. It was resolved to add to the agenda for the upcoming meeting with Richard Rayson.
95/19). The Eagle Sculpture Update:- Following a site meeting with representatives from the Parish Council, County Council and Bovis, 3 alternative locations for the Eagle were presented for consideration:
1. The location of the Christmas Tree, when the site is not in use for the tree.
2. On the verge after the roundabout access at Sancerre Grange (as approaching from Stafford).
3. On the verge prior to the roundabout at Sancerre Grange (as approaching from Stafford).
Safety, visibility, liability issues were some of the items considered by the committee. Bovis had indicated its preferred location was the verge after the roundabout entrance, and it was noted that the location on this verge, in front of a garage, would ensure the sculpture was not in a direct line of sight from properties adjacent to the area. The verge is wide enough to ensure the sculpture could be set around 4 metres back from the highway.
The committee voted in favour of re-locating the sculpture to the verge after the roundabout access (option 2).
The Clerk will advise Cllr. Pert and Bovis accordingly. Bovis have advised that a resident consultation will need to be undertaken prior to any planning application submission. The County Council have confirmed that any additional Road Safety Audit costs will be paid for by the County.
96/19). New & Proposed Developments:-
It was noted that discussions were ongoing at the Borough Council regarding the new garden village proposal at Cold Meece. All infrastructure including key services would be in place for the site, including a railway station. The site would allow for a mix of developers and will be located across both Eccleshall and Swynnerton Parishes.
97/19). Correspondence:-
Resident concerns regarding the development off The Burgage (17/27766/FUL).:- a resident located near to the site entrance is experiencing issues with:
• site vehicles parking in the spaces reserved for residents and visitors.
• The site office portacabin has been located on the highway rather than inside the site, which is obstructive when site vehicles visit the office.
• Construction vehicles are parking and obstructing access to the drive of their property.
The committee resolved to write to enforcement at the Borough Council to request if a construction traffic management plan (CTMP) is in place, and to request an inspection.
The committee also resolved to write to highways to ask if the relevant permits have been obtained for placing of an item on the highways, and to request a visit by the Network inspector.
98/19). Accounts for payment:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
Stafford Borough – Civic Amenity visits – concurrent allowance £804.00
Eccleshall in Bloom Baskets x 4 – Concurrent Allowance £120.00
Subscription Local Council Review (NALC) – LGA 1972 s.111 £17.00
All were in favour and the cheques were signed.
99/19). Date and venue for next meeting:- May 15th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.15pm.