Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday March 6th, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.30pm, following a meeting of the Traffic Committee.
- Apologies
- Public Participation
- To approve the minutes of Planning Meeting held on February 20th, 2019
- To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
- Planning Applications for consideration:-
18/29782/ADV – 12 Proposed Signs. The Eagle Inn, Horsefair, Eccleshall.
19/30055/HOU – Double glazed lantern light in existing flat roofed extension. 26 Hartlands Road, Eccleshall.
19/29884/FUL – Construction of new industrial building for the manufacture of domestic heat logs in addition to an outside drier and associated hopper and conveyor. Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Biomass Power Plant Site, Swynnerton Road.
19/30072/FUL – Extension to match lake. Heron Brook Fisheries, Slindon.
19/30092/LBC – Alterations to external area (retrospective). Royal Oak, 25 High Street.
19/30089/FUL – Extension to existing Garden Centre building to form enlarged kitchen with store, laundry, office/locker room, wc, enlarged restaurant area, function room, soft play area, wc and baby changing area, outdoor patio, car wash area and assoc buildings (retrospective). Fletchers Garden Centre, Stone Rd, Eccleshall.
- Any Further Applications for Consideration.
- Any Other Planning Matters
- The Eagle Sculpture update
- New & proposed Developments
- To provide feedback to the Stone Parish Liaison Group regarding a response to SBC on representations to planning committees
- Correspondence
- Concerns regarding St. Chad’s Road footpath access from Overton Manor.
- Accounts for payment
- Date and venue for next meeting – Mar 20th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee was held on March 6th, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.40pm.
46/19). Present were: – Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman) Councillor P. Mullee
Councillor J. Leather Councillor G. Garner
Councillor R. Langford Councillor P. Alcock Councillor D. Jacques Councillor T. Price
Councillor L. Dale
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Marshall, Amos, P. Jones, J. Jones, Baskerville and Edwards.
47/19). Public Participation: – There were no members of the public present.
48/19). To confirm the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on February 20th, 2019:- The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
49/19). Planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
18/29765/HOU – Proposed extensions and alterations and proposed new access
from Fair Oak Bank. Valmar Fair Oak Lane Fairoak. Approved.
50/19). Planning Applications for Consideration:-
18/29782/ADV – 12 Proposed Signs. The Eagle Inn, Horsefair, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
19/30055/HOU – Double glazed lantern light in existing flat roofed extension. 26 Hartlands Road, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
19/29884/FUL – Construction of new industrial building for the manufacture of domestic heat logs in addition to an outside drier and associated hopper and conveyor. Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Biomass Power Plant Site, Swynnerton Road. The application was considered for potential issues with noise and increased HGV movements. It was noted that it would provide local job opportunities. There were no objections to this application, but the Council wishes to request that HGV traffic is encouraged to use the A34/Cold Meece roads rather than travelling through Eccleshall.
19/30072/FUL – Extension to match lake. Heron Brook Fisheries, Slindon. There were no objections to this application.
19/30092/LBC – Alterations to external area (retrospective). Royal Oak, 25 High Street. There were no objections to this application.
19/30089/FUL – Extension to existing Garden Centre building to form enlarged kitchen with store, laundry, office/locker room, wc, enlarged restaurant area, function room, soft play area, wc and baby changing area, outdoor patio, car wash area and assoc. buildings (retrospective). Fletchers Garden Centre, Stone Rd, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
51/19). Any Further Applications for consideration:-
19/30097/FUL – Erection of Agricultural Workers Dwelling. Land off Blackwaters Road, Offley Hay, Stafford.
18/29719/FUL – Erection of permanent dwelling as Manager accommodation and polytunnel fish hatchery. Heron Brook Fisheries, Slindon.
The committee resolved to request an extension to the response deadline for these applications until the 21st March.
52/19). Any Other Planning Matters:- It was noted that a development proposal is in circulation for Raleigh Hall. No formal planning applications have been submitted yet. The proposal shows a mix of units, some up to 160,000 sq. ft.
53/19). The Eagle Sculpture Update:- The meeting date between senior county council officials and Cllr. Delanchy has yet to be advised.
54/19). New & Proposed Developments:-
Concerns have been raised regarding the footpath along the Stone Road that has been installed as part of planning conditions for the Wrekin development off the Burgage. Residents have noted it is significantly narrower than expected and have contacted the Borough Council. The Borough Council have advised that agreed plans only state an indicative width, so there are no dimensions that need to be adhered to.
It was noted that the developers have changed the Stone Rd signage and put in the SLOW signs.
55/19). To provide feedback to the Stone Parish Liaison Group regarding a response to SBC on representations to planning committees:-
The document requests that the Borough Council provide Parish Councils more time to speak at Borough Planning Committee meetings when making representation to planning applications. There is also the request that a full explanation is provided to the Parish Councils when any decisions made by the Borough Council planning team are in opposition to the recommendations of the Parish.
The planning committee resolved to endorse the suggestions made in this document and advise the Parish liaison group accordingly.
56/19). Correspondence:-
Concerns regarding St. Chad’s Road footpath access from Overton Manor:-
Residents have raised concerns about the safety of the new footpath access into St. Chad’s Road. There have been incidences of young people on bikes exiting the footpath at speed onto St. Chads Road, which is unsafe to other pedestrians and residents are concerned that there will be vehicle accidents. Residents with driveways close to the pathway are concerned that the lack of visibility of pedestrians may lead to accidents when entering/exiting their drives.
The council resolved to contact Richard Rayson at Highways to request an inspection of the footpath access with a view to recommending the installation of fencing/ a chicane to slow bicycles down. Feedback would be provided to residents who had contacted the Council.
57/19). Accounts for payment:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
SLCC Membership – LGA 1972 s.143 – £48.58
All were in favour and the cheque was signed.
58/19). Date and venue for next meeting:- March 20th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.20pm.