Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday January 2nd, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.30pm.
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation
3. To approve the minutes of Planning Meeting held on December 5th, 2018
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
5. To note any planning responses made since the last meeting.
6. Planning Applications for consideration:-
18/29754/FUL – Revised layout to include ten additional plots. Land at Stafford Road
18/29765/HOU – Proposed extensions and alterations and proposed new access from Fair
Oak Bank. Valmar, Fair Oak Lane, Fairoak.
7. Any Further Applications for Consideration.
8. Any Other Planning Matters
Taylor Wimpey play area access
9. The Eagle Sculpture update
10. New & proposed Developments
11. Correspondence
Update regarding signage on the Kings Arms
Feedback from RSA 3 on Gaol Butts build out
12. Accounts for payment
13. Date and venue for next meeting – Jan 16th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre
S. J. Worden, Clerk to the Council – 20/12/2018
Diary dates:–
Traffic Management Committee:- Jan 2nd, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre preceding the
meeting of the Planning Committee at 7pm.
Footpaths Committee:- February 6th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre preceding the meeting of the Planning Committee at 7pm.
Enhancements Committee:- February 6th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre following the
meeting of the Planning Committee.
Policy and Resources Committee:- March 6th, 2019, following the meeting of the Planning Committee.
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee was held on January 2nd, 2019 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7.50pm.
1/19). Present were: – Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman); Councillor P. Mullee
Councillor J. Leather; Councillor P. Alcock
Councillor G. Garner; Councillor T. Price
Councillor P. Baskerville; Councillor E. Amos
Councillor L. Dale; Councillor P. Edwards
Councillor P. Jones; Councillor J. Jones
Councillor D. Jacques
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Langford and Marshall.
2/19). Public Participation: – There were no members of the public present.
3/19). To confirm the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on December 5th, 2018:- The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
4/19). Planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
18/29096/FUL– New building for B1, B2 and B8 use classes. Land Adjacent Raleigh Hall
Industrial Estate Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Swynnerton Road Sturbridge. Approved.
18/29491/FUL – Change of use of ex granny annexe to detached dwelling. Outbuilding At Appledene Slindon Road Slindon. Approved.
18/29540/FUL – Removal of condition 2 on application 89/23965/FUL. Springfield Slindon Road Slindon Stafford. Refused.
5/19). Planning responses made since the last meeting:-
18/29702/COU – Unit 3, 12 High St. Eccleshall. Change of business use from A1 retail to Sui Generis (a beauty salon) which offers a variety of treatments and retail of associated products. No changes to be made to the building internally or externally. No objection submitted.
6/19). Planning Applications for Consideration:-
18/29754/FUL – Revised layout to include ten additional plots. Land at Stafford Road, Eccleshall.
The committee resolved to object to this application as the additional properties will add to the current problem with flooding. The issue has been flagged up by residents for a number of months but there has been no action by Bovis. The County Council have been in discussion with residents are planning to conduct a survey of the drains.
The properties erected to date on the development, and the resulting surface water which has been displaced has caused flooding as the balancing pond and the system being used to take the water away is not suitable and as the estate progresses it will only get worse.
The design to use old ditches and old existing surface water systems in the Stone Road area have not proved to be sufficient and water damage is evident at the Methodist Church and properties on the Stone Road. Any increase in the estate design will contribute to further increasing the flow of water and would be totally unacceptable. The response to the Borough Council will also advise the flooding of footpath 17 and Cllr. Price will provide photographic evidence of the floods. The committee will request that Bovis are requested rectify the current flooding problems before any further increase in property numbers.
18/29765/HOU – Proposed extensions and alterations and proposed new access from Fair Oak Bank. Valmar, Fair Oak Lane, Fairoak. There were no objections to this application.
7/19). Any Further Applications for consideration:-
18/29368/FUL – Amended application – Greenacres, Browns Bridge, Slindon. There were no objections to this application.
18/29783/FUL – Conversion of existing double garage and attached swimming pool into two bedroom dwelling. Blore Pipe Cottage, Langot Lane, Fair Oak. The committee resolved to object as the application is for a new dwelling in the countryside, and therefore, contrary to Policies SP7 and C5 of the Plan for Stafford Borough.
18/29769/FUL – Retrospective application for change of use of agricultural building to single dwellinghouse. The Briary, Eabon Lane, Offley Hay. There were no objections to this application.
8/19). Any Other Planning Matters:-
Taylor Wimpey Play Area:- It was noted that a recent plan for the play area that was circulated showed a pathway with an access point into the Community Centre Car Park. The Parish Council objected to this at the time, as it was considered an unacceptable option for a number of reasons. The Clerk has contacted the Borough Council to raise the concerns about the existence of the pathway in the current plans and is awaiting a response after confirmation that it is being looked into.
A resident had raised concerns regarding a proposal that had been previously brought to the attention of the Council as a confidential item. The Council confirmed that whilst the proposal had been heard, there are no plans to date to progress with discussions.
9/19). The Eagle Sculpture Update:- The licence application is ongoing with Staffordshire County Council, and Cllr. Delanchy has supplied the Clerk with a list of documents to be resubmitted to the County Council to support their review. This is ongoing.
10/19). New & Proposed Developments:-
Claremont Garage – It was noted that progress is being made with clearance of the site.
Land off the Burgage – Work had been started prior to the completion of the pavement along the Stone Road, in breach of the planning permission. Cllr. Price met with the contractors and put them in touch with Stafford Borough Council via phone. It was agreed that no more work could be completed beyond the grass clearance and installation of fencing.
11/19). Correspondence:-
Signage at the Kings Arms:- As a result of a request to enforcement at Stafford Borough Council to clarify if the current parking signage was in keeping with a listed building in a conservation area, it has been confirmed that the sign has been removed.
Road Safety Audit 3 at Gaol Butts build out:- Following completion of the RSA3, feedback was requested on the outcome. The County Council advised:
‘There was a minor comment regarding the alignment of the Give Way markings at the buildout junction but this has been addressed within the designers response to the auditors as this is not considered to be a problem.’
12). Accounts for payment:-
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
Jacksons of Eccleshall Grass and hedge cutting – Open Space Act 1906 s10 £1119.60
Photocast Products Ltd – replacement plaque – LGA 1972 s.137 £546.00
ICO fee Data Protection – LGA 1972 s.111 (replacement cheque) £40.00
All were in favour and the cheques were signed.
It was noted that the plaque had been re-mounted on the railings and thanks were expressed to Cllr. Baskerville and Mr. Worden for completing the work.
13/19). Date and venue for next meeting:- January 16th, 2019, Eccleshall Community Centre.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.35pm.