Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday December 2nd , 2020 at 7.30pm, via Zoom online meeting, after a meeting of the Traffic Management Committee.
Join via the Internet by going to:
Meeting link
Meeting ID: 850 8629 1083 and Password: 267421
Alternatively join by telephone by dialling 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240.
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation (residents are asked to contact the Clerk in advance if they wish to speak, to assist in the online meeting administration).
3. To approve the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on November 18th, 2020
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
5. Planning Applications for consideration (link to the application is within the reference number):-
20/33353/HOU– Two storey side extension to form porch, downstairs WC, new enlarged bathroom on first floor, re-clad front elevation forming cavity in brickwork to match existing internal alterations. Sunnyside Croxton Lane Croxton.
20/33362/HOU – Construction of proposed single storey rear extension to create orangery, replacement windows and render finish to existing property. 1 Old Hall Lane Mill Meece Stafford.
6. Any Further Applications for Consideration.
7. Any Other Planning Matters
8. Correspondence
9. Accounts for payment
10. Date and venue for next meeting:
January 6th, 2021, online via Zoom at 7.30pm, after the Traffic Management committee meeting at 6.45pm.
S. J. Worden, Clerk to the Council – 26/11/2020
152/20). Present were:-
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor G. Dale
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor S. Perren
Councillor P. Stenning
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor S. Kean
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor S. Mifflin
Councillor C. Wilkins
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
One member of the public
No apologies were received.
153/20). Public Participation:-
A resident spoke regarding the appeal submitted to the Planning inspectorate for application 19/31613/OUT – Land off Castle Street, Eccleshall.
Whilst it was noted that the inspector will review all the documentation submitted as part of the original process, the resident requested that the Parish Council writes to the Inspector to reiterate the issue regarding the siting of the attenuation pond outside of the settlement boundary and to provide a copy of the letter that was written to the Head of Planning, which outlined the concerns.
154/20). Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on November 18th, 2020:-
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and will be signed at the next available opportunity.
155/20). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
20/32575/FUL – Minor material amendment to application 15/23446/FUL – proposed
new pitch layout, removable netting and training area. Eagles Park Swynnerton Road Sturbridge. Refused.
20/33198/TWT – TPO No. 624 of 2019: Larix sp. (Larch) – Fell. Land Adjacent
2 Overton Close Eccleshall. Approved.
156/20). Planning Applications for consideration:-
20/33353/HOU- Two storey side extension to form porch, downstairs WC, new enlarged bathroom on first floor, re-clad front elevation forming cavity in brickwork to match existing internal alterations. Sunnyside Croxton Lane Croxton. There were no objections to this application.
20/33362/HOU – Construction of proposed single storey rear extension to create orangery, replacement windows and render finish to existing property. 1 Old Hall Lane Mill Meece Stafford. There were no objections to this application.
157/20). Any further applications for consideration:-
20/33254/COU – Change of use from agricultural land to a secure dog field consisting of two fields both with an area for a gravel car park for a maximum of two cars. The fields will be secured with deer fencing with wooden posts around the perimeter. Land North Of Brick Kiln Farm Blackwaters Road Offley Hay.
The Parish Council agreed a response of no objection at the meeting on the 18th November. However, as resident complaints have since been added to the portal, and residents have written to the Parish Council, the committee reviewed the application and correspondence received to determine if any new material planning considerations had been presented that would alter the response.
It was noted:
- A number of the concerns raised by residents were speculative and did not provide grounds for EPC to object within material planning considerations, which provide the framework for submitting any objections and what can be taken into consideration.
- The Parish Council had not ‘approved’ the application as it did not have the power to do so. It can only ‘object or not object’ to the SBC planning department who are the decision making body.
- EPC had undertaken additional checks with SBC prior to submitting the response to ensure that the change of use would not grant the right to any development of the site without further planning application(s). This was confirmed by the Planning Officer.
- If the site does have issues with noise in the future then this can be raised and addressed through an established procedure in order to ensure there is no detriment to residents.
The Clerk will write to all residents who contacted the Parish Council to advise the decision and points noted above.
158/20). Any Other Planning Matters:-
There were no other planning matters
159/20). Correspondence:-
Notice of Appeal for 19/31613/OUT – The development of up to 37 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), with means of site access from A519, Castle Street; earthworks to facilitate surface water drainage; and all other ancillary and enabling works. All other matters such as layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved for subsequent approval. Land Off Castle Street Eccleshall.
The committee discussed the appeal and noted that it has consistently objected to the application. It was resolved to write to the Planning Inspectorate with a copy of the letter sent to the Head of Planning at SBC and reiterate its concerns regarding the siting of the attenuation pond outside of the Settlement Boundary, which constitutes development in law and as such is not in accordance with Eccleshall Neighbourhood Plan. It was noted that although receipt of the original letter was noted by SBC, a formal response was not received, which tends to be normal procedure.
160/20). Accounts for payment:
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
Katharine House Hospice – Grant | 500.00 |
Eccleshall First Responders – adoption of defib at the Catholic Church | 50.00 |
1st Eccleshall Scouts – Grant | 500.00 |
Mr. Graham Cole – Footpaths Maintenance, November | 101.25 |
Came and Company – Parish Council insurance renewal | 1193.04 |
Mr. A. G. Jones – moving of SIDs devices | 100.00 |
Woods Farm Christmas Trees – supply of Christmas trees | 1916.00 |
SLCC – online conference attendance | 90.00 |
Staffordshire Parish Councils Association – Training | 30.00 |
Traction Equipment (Stafford) Ltd. – Cherry Picker Hire | 120.00 |
Creative Copy n Colour Ltd – Newsletters | 580.00 |
SLCC – Subscription Fees | 240.00 |
Helping Hands – Litter picking hoops x 15 | 138.84 |
Trent Grounds Maintenance – Chester Road verge works, hedge cutting (Eyeswell) and tidy of footpath 13 | 803.70 |
All were in favour and the cheques will be signed accordingly.
It was noted that completion of the Chester Road verge works has much improved footpath access.
161/20). Date and venue for next meeting:
January 6th, 2020, Via Zoom online meeting at 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.10pm.