Planning Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee will be held on Wednesday Sept 2nd , 2020 at 7.30pm, via Zoom online meeting.
Join via the Internet by going to:
Meeting link
Meeting ID: 890 7883 7745 and Password: 982787
Alternatively join by telephone by dialling 0203 481 5237 or 0203 481 5240.
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation (residents are asked to contact the Clerk in advance if they wish to speak, to assist in the online meeting administration).
3. To approve the minutes of the Planning Meeting held on August 12th, 2020
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council.
5. Planning Applications for consideration (link to the application is within the reference number):-
20/32821/HOU – Rear extension and minor internal works. In conjunction with 20/32822/LBC. 9 Church Street, Eccleshall.
20/32886/FUL – Change of use from agricultural to equestrian. Proposed ménage and boundary fencing. Land at the Bungalow, Stafford Road, Walton. Eccleshall.
6. Any Further Applications for Consideration.
7. To consider the consultations on proposed revisions to the Planning System, for response via NALC or to MHCLG (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government).
8. Any Other Planning Matters
9. New & proposed Developments
10. Correspondence
11. Accounts for payment
12. Date and venue for next meeting:
September 23rd , 2020, online via Zoom, after the Parish Council meeting.
S.J. Worden, Clerk to the Council – 27/08/2020
91/20). Present were:-
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman)
Councillor L. Dale
Councillor S. Mifflin.
Councillor R. Langford
Councillor G. Dale
Councillor P. Jones
Councillor J. Jones
Councillor P. Stenning
Councillor E. Amos
Councillor J. Leather
Councillor S. Perren
Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor R. Taylor
Councillor M. Watson
Mrs S.J. Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
92/20). Public Participation:-
93/20). Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on August 12th, 2020:-
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and will be signed at the next available opportunity.
94/20). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
20/32358/PAR – One proposed dwelling. Barn At Greatwood Farm Offleybrook. Offleybrook. (also change of use from agricultural to dwelling house). Approved.
20/32501/PAR – Prior Approval – Change of use of agricultural building to dwelling house.
Dutch Barn At Greatwood Farm Offleybrook Road Offleybrook. Refused.
20/32611/HOU – Proposed rear sitting room, utility extension and canopy with the
demolition of the existing conservatory. 17 Romford Meadow Eccleshall. Approved.
20/32482/HOU – Proposed single storey rear extension. Yew Tree Cottage Brockton
Road Eccleshall. Approved.
20/32198/TCA – Eccleshall Conservation Area: T1 + T2, Pinus spp. (Scots Pine) – Fell.
Eccleshall Castle Castle Street Eccleshall. Approved.
20/32569/HOU – Erection of part single storey, part two storey extension to dwelling. Robins Gate Horsley Lane Eccleshall. Approved.
95/20). Planning Applications for consideration:-
20/32821/HOU – Rear extension and minor internal works. In conjunction with 20/32822/LBC. 9 Church Street, Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
20/32886/FUL – Change of use from agricultural to equestrian. Proposed ménage and boundary fencing. Land at the Bungalow, Stafford Road, Walton. Eccleshall. There were no objections to this application.
96/20). Any further applications for consideration:-
20/32575/FUL – Minor material amendment to application 15/23446/FUL – proposed new pitch layout, removable netting and training area. Eagles Park Swynnerton Road Sturbridge Stafford Staffordshire. There were no objections to this application.
97/20). To consider the consultations on proposed revisions to the Planning System, for response via NALC or to MHCLG (Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government).
Members discussed the consultation at length. It was noted that the consultation papers are extremely extensive and the questions are very specialised in nature, which require a professional level of understanding of the planning system, as opposed to the knowledge required by Parish Council members. As such, members did not feel qualified to respond to the technical questions that were being asked. Concerns were raised regarding the headlines that new proposals indicated developers would have an easier route for planning acceptance and the onus would be on local Councils to prove the application was unsuitable.
The response deadline of the 17th September did not provide enough time to appoint a planning expert to advise. It was resolved to respond to NALC to express concerns regarding the short timescale and to explain that the Council did not feel in a position to respond to the questions asked due to the specialist nature of the consultation.
98/20). Any Other Planning Matters:-
It was noted that the Pillar Clock had been the subject of a recent ‘addition’ by members of Eccleshall Rugby Club. The Ecclian Society kindly volunteered to remove it, as long ladders are needed due to the height of the clock. It was resolved to write to the Rugby Club president to request that this is not repeated, as if volunteers are not able to help, the Parish Council would have to pay for removal. It was noted that EPC has provided grants to the Rugby Club in the past but does not support this kind of behaviour.
99/20). New & Proposed Developments:-
There were no new developments to discuss.
100/20). Correspondence:-
There was no correspondence to raise.
101/20). Accounts for payment:
Authorisation was sought for payment of the following accounts:-
A.G. Jones – movement of speed devices | £100.00 |
SLCC – Meeting Website Accessibility Guidelines Webinar 9 &11 Sept (£144) and Virtual National Conference 12-16 Oct (£30) | 174.00 |
Mr. Graham Cole – Footpaths survey and repairs | 172.00 |
No Butts Bin Co. Ltd – 2 x Elford picnic benches | 1104.00 |
All were in favour and the cheques were signed.
102/20). Date and venue for next meeting:
September 23rd, 2020, Via Zoom online meeting, 7.30pm, following the Parish Council meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.10pm.