Planning Committee Meeting
17th July 2024
1. Apologies
2. Public Participation.
3. To approve the minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held on July 3rd 2024.
4. To note the planning decisions of Stafford Borough Council:-
5. Planning Applications for consideration:- (link to the application is within the reference number):-
24/38876/FUL– Proposed agricultural building to house livestock and to store fodder and implements. Land South West Of Halfway House Slindon Road Slindon
24/39319/HOU – Single storey side and rear extension, new porch and internal alterations. Highway Cottage Main Road Croxton
6. To consider any further applications:
7. To consider any other planning matters:-
8. To consider any correspondence received:
- No correspondence received by the date the agenda was issued
9. To approve delegation to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, to respond to any urgent planning applications that require a response before the next meeting.
10. To confirm the date and venue for next meeting:- August 14th 7.30pm, Eccleshall Community Centre.
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the council – 11/07/2024
A meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Planning Committee was held on July 17th 2024, at Broughton Parish Rooms at 9.05pm following the Parish Council meeting.
151/24). Present were: –
Councillor B. Delanchy (Chairman) Councillor P. Jones
Councillor S. Perren Councillor G. Dale
Councillor R. Taylor Councillor R Langford
Councillor D. Hill Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor D. Feneysey Councillor C. Ryan-Bloor
Councillor D. Hall Councillor S. Mifflin
Mrs Stacey Worden (Clerk)
No members of the public
152/24). Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Reid, Gosling and Kean.
153/24). Declarations of Interest and Councillor requests for dispensation relating to items on the agenda:
There were no requests to receive, and no declarations of interest were made.
154/24). Public Participation
There was no public participation.
155/24). To approve the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 3rd July 2024:
The minutes, which had been previously circulated, were agreed and signed.
156/24). Planning Decisions of Stafford Borough Council:
There were no decisions made since the last meeting.
157/24). Planning Applications for consideration:-
Cllr. Jones abstained from voting on planning applications to avoid any conflict of interests due to duties within Stafford Borough Council.
24/38876/FUL– Proposed agricultural building to house livestock and to store fodder and implements. Land South West Of Halfway House Slindon Road Slindon. There were no objections to this application.
24/39319/HOU – Single storey side and rear extension, new porch and internal alterations. Highway Cottage Main Road Croxton. There were no objections to this application.
158/24). To consider any further applications:-
There were no further applications to consider.
159/24). Any Other Planning Matters: –
- It was noted that timber buildings (potentially stabling) and hardstanding areas have recently been erected in a field on the approach into Croxton from Broughton, but the Council has not received any related planning applications for that location. The Clerk will make enquiries of the Borough Council Planning team.
- Vegetation has covered chevron road signage on the B5026 near to Lower House Farm Lane. The Clerk will ask the Lengthsman if they can cut back the overgrowth, as there is a safe area off road to work.
160/24). Correspondence:-
There was no correspondence to receive.
161/24). It was resolved to approve delegation to the Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman, to respond to any urgent planning applications that require a response before the next meeting, in line with the temporary delegations policy.
162/24). Date and venue for next meeting:
Wednesday August 14th, Eccleshall Community Centre, 7.30pm.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 9.15pm.