Traffic Management Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Traffic Management Committee will be held on Wednesday April 6th, 2022 at 7pm, Eccleshall Community Centre, preceding a meeting of the Planning committee meeting.
1. Apologies
2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021
3. To consider any resident feedback and next steps regarding speed initiatives published in the winter newsletter:
- ‘kids at play’ signs,
- 20’s plenty and to receive the latest group update
- Small mammal signage
4. Electric Charging points:
- To receive the correspondence from Cllr. Pert regarding the Newport Road pavement and provision of EV charging points and determine any response.
- To consider any further opportunities and any updates received regarding the provision of electric car charging points.
- To receive resident correspondence relating to EV charging points
5. To consider issues concerning lack of implementation of further road safety provision within the Slindon 40mph zone.
6. To discuss resident concerns regarding on pavement parking
7. To receive any updates and consider ongoing resident concerns about lack of parking spaces in town.
8. Correspondence
- No further correspondence has been received by the date the agenda is issued.
9. Items for next meeting
10. Date of next meeting
S.J. Worden
Clerk to the Council – 31/3/2022
A meeting of the Traffic Management Committee was held on Wednesday, April 6th at Eccleshall Community Centre, at 7.00 pm preceding a meeting of the Planning committee.
1). Present were:-
Councillor L. Dale (Chair) Councillor J. Leather
Councillor R. Langford Councillor C. Wilkins
Councillor G. Dale
Mrs S. J. Worden (Clerk)
Mrs Beverley Partridge (Assistant Clerk)
Observer: Cllr. A. Reid
2). Apologies:-
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Amos, Peter Jones, Joy Jones and Perren
3). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council were agreed and signed.
4). To consider any resident feedback, together with the next steps regarding speed initiatives which were published in the winter newsletter:
The Parish Council published a consultation article in the Winter Parish Newsletter and received three responses from residents which included general comments about road safety.
- ‘kids at play’ signs:- No further action required due to a lack of suggestions
- 20’s plenty and to receive the latest group update
Parishes have been asked by the 20’s Plenty not for profit organisation to consider imposing 20mph speed limits in villages and towns. It campaigns for a speed limit of 20mph to be normal on residential streets and in town and village centres, unless full consideration of the needs of vulnerable road users allows a higher limit on particular streets
It was resolved to recommend that the Parish Council write to inform Staffordshire County Council that it supports an approach of 20 mph speed limits in existing 30 mph areas where people live, work, play or learn, subject to appropriate exceptions.
- Small mammal signage. The Committee were advised that residents are able to put up their own small mammal signs and this was mentioned in the newsletter article. No responses have been received to the afore-mentioned consultation article in respect to this matter, and no areas of concern for small animals have consequently been identified. No further action required.
5). Electric Charging points:
- To receive the correspondence from Cllr. Pert regarding the Newport Road pavement and provision of EV charging points and determine any response:-
It was noted that the pavement works on Newport Road had been completed and it was resolved that the Clerk would send a letter of thanks to Staffordshire County Councillor Pert for his involvement in securing funding for the work to be carried out. A new surface type called Finamac has been used and it was agreed that the pavement is now much improved.
- To consider any further opportunities and any updates received regarding the provision of electric car charging points:-
It was noted that at the next meeting of the Parish Council on 20 April, a representative from Ubitricity will be attending to provide further information regarding EV charging. At present, there is not a suitable location to install charge points, apart from in the Co-Op car park.
It was resolved to recommend that the Clerk writes to the Co-Op to suggest that their car park in Eccleshall is put forward to be included in their pilot scheme to install an EV charge point with reserved bay.
6). To consider issues concerning lack of implementation of further road safety provision within the Slindon 40mph zone.
It was resolved to recommend that the Clerk would write to Cllr Pert in respect of the outstanding safety provisions that were expected to be delivered as part of the 40mph zone implementation. This includes – a bus stop with hardstanding and associated markings; Children crossing signs and speed limit compliance surveys and camera van attendance.
7). Resident concerns regarding on pavement parking were discussed.
The Committee were reminded that is not an offence to park on the pavement unless this causes an obstruction. The clerk advised that she had written to the PCSO regarding a recent issue with a parked lorry causing an obstruction on Gaol Butts but has not received a response so she will contact him again.
It was brought to the Clerk’s attention that a post had been knocked over in the High Street close to James de Pavey’s premises which will now be logged. Cllr. L. Dale will provide photos.
8). To receive any updates and consider ongoing resident concerns about the lack of parking spaces in town.
A discussion took place about parking provision in the Parish and whether it should be the responsibility of the Borough Council’s Planning Department to look for land availability in the town centre that could be purchased for a car park. It was noted that car parking conditions can be applied to commercial applications but they do not form part of residential applications. Any land that is available in a suitable location is too expensive to purchase for parking. Discussions will be ongoing.
9). Correspondence
General feedback was received from on resident who asked whether an EV point with associated parking space was actually required and this feedback was noted by the committee.
10). Items for the next meeting
Any other items for the next meeting can be forwarded to the Clerk.
11). Date of next meeting:- 6th July 2022.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.27 pm