Traffic Management Committee Meeting
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of Eccleshall Parish Council Traffic Management Committee will be held on Wednesday July 6th, 2022 at 7pm, Eccleshall Community Centre, preceding a meeting of the Planning committee meeting.
1. Apologies
2. To elect the Chair and Vice- Chair
3. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022
4. Electric Charging points:
- To provide any plan updates
5. To discuss any response/progress regarding completion of road safety provision within the Slindon 40mph zone.
6. To discuss and consider any new opportunities with regards to parking spaces in town, enforcement of parking restrictions and consider related resident correspondence to provide a response.
7. To consider the formation of a working group with the remit to gather research on parking requirements and potential EV opportunities, to report back to the committee for consideration.
8. Correspondence
- To receive the response from the County Council relating to the council’s support of implementing 20mph zones in key areas.
- To consider resident correspondence requesting traffic calming measures in the Sturbridge (Swynnerton Road) area.
- To consider resident correspondence suggesting alternative options to the speed bumps in Small Lane.
9. Items for next meeting
10. Date of next meeting – Wednesday 5th Oct 2022
S. J. Worden………
Clerk to the Council – 30/06/2022
A meeting of the Traffic Management Committee was held on Wednesday, July 6th 2022 at Eccleshall Community Centre at 7 p.m. preceding a meeting of the Planning Committee.
1). Present were:-
Councillor J. Leather (Chair) Councillor P. Jones
Councillor R. Langford Councillor J. Jones
Councillor A. Reid Councillor G. Dale
Councillor D. Hill Councillor S. Perren
Mrs. B. Partridge (Assistant Clerk)
Apologies:- Apologies were received from Cllrs. L. Dale and S. Kean.
2). Election of Chairman/Vice Chairman
Councillor Leather took the Chair and requested nominations for Chairman of the Committee. Councillor L. Dale was nominated and re-elected as Chair for the ensuing year.
Councillor J Leather requested nominations for Vice-Chair of the committee and Councillor J. Leather was duly re-elected.
3). Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, April 6th, 2022:-
The minutes, which had previously been noted by the Council were agreed and signed.
4). Electric Charging points:
There were no updates to report
5). To discuss any response/progress regarding completion of road safety provision within the Slindon 40mph zone.
The Clerk had not received a response from Cllr Pert regarding the outstanding road safety improvements from 4 years ago, that were chased up in April 2022.
It was agreed that Mr Mike Tweed, a member of the Slindon Village Committee, be requested to write to Borough Councillor Jeremy Pert to ask for a progress report on the safety improvements that the Parish Council has requested following the road accident involving a pedestrian.
6). To discuss and consider any new opportunities with regards to parking spaces in town, enforcement of parking restrictions and consider related resident correspondence to provide a response.
A number of parking issues within the town of Eccleshall were considered. These included parking on double yellow lines and parking for longer than permitted on the High Street. It was acknowledged that there is no land availability for the construction of a car park in the town at present and that any pockets of land had been used for property development. Further, in respect to a resident’s suggestion that Eccleshall Community Centre be used for parking for shoppers and visitors to the town centre, the Committee agreed that this did not provide a practical solution because parking was required by those people using the Centre.
It was resolved to recommend that the Clerk write a letter to the Borough Council requesting that parking in Eccleshall be monitored by Traffic Wardens at regular intervals in order to discourage illegal parking.
7). To consider the formation of a working group with the remit to gather research on parking requirements and potential EV opportunities, to report back to the committee for consideration.
It was resolved to recommend that the Climate Change Working Group be tasked to gather information about EV charging options including possible locations, charging types and funding streams that may be available.
8). Correspondence
- The committee received the response from the County Council relating to the council’s support of implementing 20mph zones in key areas. The response noted ‘We will continue to introduce additional 20 mph speed limits within local neighbourhoods as appropriate within our county-wide road safety programmes and as local community priorities established through your local County Councillor’s Divisional Highways Programme.’
- A resident’s correspondence requesting traffic calming measures in the Sturbridge (Swynnerton Road) area was considered and it was agreed that the effect of the new 40 mph speed limit should be evaluated before any further measures are considered.
- Resident correspondence suggesting alternative options to the speed bumps in Small Lane was considered and the Committee noted that the degradation of the speed bumps on Small Lane is now causing a tripping hazard for pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. It was resolved to recommend that the Clerk writes to the County Highways Department requesting that remedial works on the speed bumps be carried out or to consider alternative options to include the feasibility of cobbled rumble strips.
9). Items for next meeting:-
- To consider the addition of an extra Speed Indication Device(s).
Any other items for the next meeting can be forwarded to the Clerk.
10). Date of next meeting:- to be confirmed.
There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 7.38 pm.