New Subsidised Fare for Young People available on the 8am D&G bus to Stafford
From the 14th October, a subsided Student Network Weekly Ticket will be available to buy on the 8am
Monday to Friday journey on Service 14 from Eccleshall to Stafford, for passengers getting on at Eccleshall.
The cost will be just £9.
The ticket is available to passengers getting on in Eccleshall, on production of a valid student ID.
That’s less than the price of four journeys, for a whole week’s travel!
Eccleshall Parish Council are subsiding this route, and this ticket in order to retain an important service and to ensure students have a cost-effective way to get to school or college.
In order to maintain this service, the Council needs support from the residents to increase passenger numbers – it is a case of use it or lose it.